Penney Peirce's Intuitive Way eNews May 8, 2009

Published: Fri, 05/08/09

May 8 , 2009
Dream Dictionary

Visit my new website:
For those who can't remember how to spell my name, will still get you there. Since I am on the active part of my book tour, please check my calendar page regularly for new events and radio interviews.

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Here you'll find excerpts, a full press kit, and other information about
FREQUENCY: The Power of Personal Vibration

Penney's FREQUENCY Book Tour

Sat-Sun May 9-10, East West Bookshop, Mountainview, CA
with readings

Mon, May 18, 7:30PM, Tattered Cover, Highlands Ranch, CO
Tue, May 19, Life Readings in Broomfield, Melanie Mulhall, [email protected]
Wed May 20, 7pm, Paranormal Research Forum, Denver, CO
Thu May 21, Isis Books, 7pm, Englewood, CO with readings

Sat, May 23-25, 4:15pm, Sun Valley Wellness Festival, Ketcham, ID with readings

Sat, June 6-7, "Becoming One with the Frequency of Now," 1st Congress on Synchronization with Planet Earth, Lisbon, Portugal with readings
beginning June 4
Mon June 8, Post-Conference Training, "Intuition, Time, and Energy," Lisbon, Portugal

Jul 16-18, Asheville, NC, Readings, 415/898-8925

Fri-Sat Jul 24-25, breathe books, Baltimore, MD, Fri evening talk and Saturday workshop, 10am-1pm; Susan Weis, 410/235-7323
Sun Jul 26, Presentation and Workshop at Unity DC, with Rev. Sylvia Sumter, 1225 R Street NW, Washington, DC 20009, 202/543-1414
Sat Aug 1, "Raise Your Frequency: Mastering Energy & Time in The Intuition Age" • 9:30am-4:30pm, 1-day intensive training with Eileen Gwin, founder of Mindfood Exchange. Columbia area.
[email protected]

Aug 3-16, Daytona Beach, Readings available, 415/898-8925

Sep 5-7, International Conference on the Study of Shamanism and Alternative Modes of Healing • "Shamans of the 21st Century" • "Becoming One with the Frequency of Now," Santa Sabina Center, San Rafael

Radio Interviews

• Apr 21, 6-7pm PT, LIVE, "Walking with Spirit," with Monique Chapman, on Achieve Radio Network • Podcast available
• May 9,
11am broadcast, with Angela Moore, "Inside the Style Scene," WADK 1540, Newport, RI, • available online the week of May 15 on at
• May 14, Live Call-in with
Tina Ferguson, on "Queen of Dreams Radio," 9pm ET, 8pm CT, 7pm MT, 6pm PT, and via web at • Talkcast Phone Number: 724-444-7444 Podcasts available later
• June 1
, 2pm, with Justin Sachs, Motivational Minds Radio, San Diego.

• New streaming audio interviews now posted on my website:

Intuition Tip #20

How intuition might give you "a feel for" something
There are many situations where you may not notice your intuition at work because the information comes quickly and in a subtle form. You have a strange feeling, the heebie jeebies, or nameless dreads. You suddenly become skeptical and critical while reading something, or you space out and can't maintain focus on what you "should" be doing. It usually turns out that you're picking up on a mistake, an important missing factor, or a warning. If everyone in business were taught to pay attention to these "feelings," and to cultivate their ability to have a "feeling for" various tasks, the knowledge quotient in organizations would rise dramatically and efficiency would soar.

5. Deciding what to do first, second, and third
When you need to read a ton of material, make a long list of cold calls, or get back to many people with answers to their questions, which article, phone number, or memo gets top priority? And the next? And the next? Close your eyes and notice the different categories of tasks at hand. Do some call out to you with greater urgency? Do others say "you should" do me? Do others simply feel fun? Let your body decide which to "touch" first. If you have a long list of calls, and pick that task first, look at the names and see which ones jump off the page at you. Do those first. Trust your eyes and hands to make the right decisions for your mind.

Tips are copyright 2005, by Penney Peirce, from The Intuitive Way, Second edition

The Power of Personal Vibration

Order a copy from amazon!

Everything is vibrating. In fact, each of us has a personal vibration that accurately communicates who we are to the world and helps shape our reality. In Frequency, Penney Peirce takes us into new territory, exploring the dynamics of energy, personal resonance, and our accelerating ultrasensitivity.

Frequency shows you how to feel your personal vibration and work intentionally with energy to transform your life. By learning to stay centered in your "home frequency" — the highest, most natural personal vibration you can attain — you can maximize clarity and minimize struggle. A simple shift in frequency is often all it takes to change depression to peace and fear to enthusiasm.

"Frequency will put you in touch with yourself in a way you never dreamed was possible. Penney Peirce, with her amazingly comprehensive grasp of intuitive and empathic perception, has crafted a highly useful book that will help you know yourself as an energetic being, reliably recognize the core vibration of your truest self, and harness your sensitivity so all areas of your life can change for the better."
Carol Adrienne, PhD, Author of Your Life Purpose

Penney on Frequency on YouTube:

Quote from FREQUENCY

• Your intuitive ability and clarity are high. You make good decisions.
• Your creative and innovative ability is high. You can easily materialize what you need and use what you're given.
• You cooperate easily and draw the best out of others. You have deep insight into the motivation of others, what causes their pain, and how to assist in their growth and healing. You can offer people the help, advice, or understanding they need.
• Your capacity to feel into the inner dynamics of anything brings data and insight that gives an advantage in achieving happiness and success in your relationships, personal life, and business.
• You can dissolve feelings of separation and isolation, and understand how connected, and mutually sourcing everything in life really is. This helps you experience the soul in things and become more spiritually enlightened.


PENNEY PEIRCE is a gifted intuitive empath and rare mentor/teacher who speaks and writes with clarity, cross-cultural understanding, and deep insight. Penney synthesizes great amounts of detail, and can explain complex metaphysical, philosophical material in a personal, down-to-earth way. She is experienced in business, writing, speaking, and design thinking.

While on the Pacific Northwest leg of my Frequency book tour, I had to drive back and forth between Seattle and Portland several times, in a rental car I truly disliked. Somehow, I'd gotten a bottom-of-the-line model with bad blindspots and road noise, crank windows, and no power locks or trip odometer. To top it off, I came out of my hotel one morning to find a foot-long crack in the windshield. After worrying way too much, I decided to exchange it for another car.

As it happens, they had one lone Japanese car on the lot and they upgraded me to it. Ahhhh! Power everything, cushy, smooth ride, great sound system, good gas mileage. That night I went to do my talk in Tacoma, and no one showed up. I finally left, scratching my head, and decided to go the the fabulous Glass Museum instead.

What was happening? I realized I was in a process of "frequency sorting." My personal vibration has been increasing steadily this year, and I've been adjusting in a variety of ways. Some days, I've needed to sleep to let my body integrate the new energies. Other days I'm full of joy, gratitude, and clarity. Now I was seeing that life brought me a crack in my worldview (windshield) so I could break through and see past my old reality, where I'd been used to humbly making do with whatever was presented to me. Now I saw I needed to actively create a new reality that would match my new frequency. I needed to upgrade the quality of many things and situations so I could be "deeply comfortable" and more productive.

The Tacoma event, in retrospect, was oriented toward a New Age audience, and as nice as the people at the store were, and in spite of a lovely classroom space with good energy, I saw the no-shows as a sign that my audience is much wider these days. The next night, in Portland, on a clear day (which usually keeps people away in the rainy Northwest), 35 people showed up. And afterward, a small boy who I hadn't seen in the audience, walked up to me and pointedly said: "I think what you're saying is really true! And — I think it's so simple, most adults don't understand it." I just beamed at him and said, "You are SO right!" I felt like I'd found my home frequency. I'd settled into the reality of the supportive car and the supportive audience, and was on my way to opening streams of expanded imagination. . .

Netflix Recommendation
The State Within: A BBC miniseries, much on the order of MI-5; a political thriller where the British ambassador to the US gets caught up in a complex conspiracy.

Look at Penney's Seattle-Portland photos; Peru photos; Germany photos

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Do the constraints of these difficult financial times mean you need to make changes in your career, business, or location? Why not get a new perspective from a frequency point of view—about what's possible for you this year?

How might a change in perception and personal vibration shift your external circumstances? Private intuitive coaching sessions, $180/hr in 15-minute increments, $100/hr for the second hour. I look forward to working with you on any issues that concern you. You can sign up online or call me at 415/898-8925.



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