Penney Peirce's Intuitive Way eNews Mar 3, 2009

Published: Tue, 03/03/09

Mar 3, 2009
Dream Dictionary

FREQUENCY: The Power of Personal Vibration
Foreword by Michael Bernard Beckwith

Order a copy!
Because science has long taught us to depend only on what we can see and touch, we often don’t notice that our spirit, thoughts, emotions, and body are all made of energy. Everything is vibrating. In fact, each of us has a personal vibration that accurately communicates who we are to the world and helps shape our reality.

In Frequency, Penney Peirce takes us into new territory, exploring the dynamics of energy, personal resonance, and our accelerating ultrasensitivity.

Frequency shows you how to feel your personal vibration and work intentionally with energy to transform your life. By learning to stay centered in your "home frequency" — the highest, most natural personal vibration you can attain — you can maximize clarity and minimize struggle. A simple shift in frequency is often all it takes to change depression to peace and fear to enthusiasm.

“Seeing ourselves as energy beings is the most important breakthrough of our times. In Frequency, Penney Peirce clarifies many of the energy principles that have previously been unacknowledged, but which we can now intentionally use to keep ourselves healthy and improve the realities we live in. I laughed out loud when I read this book, and enjoyed it immensely.”
Richard Bartlett, author of Matrix Energetics

Penney on YouTube:

Penney's FREQUENCY Book Tour
Sunday, March 15, 3-5:30PM
Bodhi Tree Bookstore, West Hollywood, CA
Friday, April 24, 7:30PM, East West Bookstore, Seattle, WA
Saturday, April 25, 6:30PM, Third Place Books, Lake Forest Park, WA
Sunday, April 26, 1:00PM, Seattle Unity, Seattle, WA
Thursday, April 30, Powell's Books on Hawthorne, Portland, OR
Saturday, May 02, New Renaissance Bookshop, Portland, OR
Monday, May 18, 7:30PM, Tattered Cover, Highlands Ranch, CO
Saturday, May 23, 4:15 PM. Sun Valley Wellness Festival, Ketcham, ID
Saturday, June 06, 4:00 PM, 1st Congress on Synchronization with the Planet, Lisbon, Portugal
Monday June 08, Post-Conference Training on Intuition and Energy, Lisbon, Portugal

Tuesday, June 23, Changing Hands Bookstore, Tempe, AZ

Check back with to see the newest events, which are still being added.

Ready for An Intuitive Checkup?
Do the constraints of these difficult financial times mean you need to make changes in your career, business, or location? Why not get a new perspective from a frequency point of view—about what's possible for you this year?

How might a change in perception and personal vibration shift your external circumstances? Private intuitive coaching sessions, $180/hr in 15-minute increments, $100/hr for the second hour. I look forward to working with you on any issues that concern you. You can leave a message for me at 415/898-8925 or by email at [email protected].

Intuition Tip #17
How intuition might give you "a feel for" something
There are many situations where you may not notice your intuition at work because the information comes quickly and in a subtle form. You have a strange feeling, the heebie jeebies, or nameless dreads. You suddenly become skeptical and critical while reading something, or you space out and can't maintain focus on what you "should" be doing. It usually turns out that you're picking up on a mistake, an important missing factor, or a warning. If everyone in business were taught to pay attention to these "feelings," and to cultivate their ability to have a "feeling for" various tasks, the knowledge quotient in organizations would rise dramatically and efficiency would soar.

2. Noticing nearly invisible red flags
When your research doesn't match your vision of what's possible, which part is "off"? When you read the data in a report, when does it feel conjured, incomplete, too shallow, or intentionally skewed? You can trust your instinct — intuition focused at a physical level — about what makes you do a doubletake. Feel for that subtle hitch or snag in the forward movement of your mind. If it doesn't flow and feel truly satisfying, something's usually wrong.

Tips are copyright 2005, by Penney Peirce, from The Intuitive Way, Second edition.

Quote from FREQUENCY:
"When your mind focuses on describing nonexistent or empty realities, you are, in effect, materializing nothing. Plus, you've abandoned your life's flow; it can't move without your conscious presence. To experience something as real, and therefore to have motivation and action, your conscious mind must be centered in your body, perceiving through your body, which is your reality filter. When your self-talk describes a negative or nonexistent reality, your body can't grasp it because bodies do exist in time and space. Your body gets ready to act on a brilliant idea, for example, until you say "I'm NOT smart." The same thing happens when you say, "I want to make more money, BUT I don't know how." Then your body consciousness goes into the same kind of consternation it experienced when you were a baby and your love bounced back to you unmet. Huh? It cannot comprehend the concept of negativity and nonexistence, and as it struggles to understand what it's supposed to do, you get stuck."


PENNEY PEIRCE is a gifted intuitive empath and rare mentor/teacher who speaks and writes with clarity, cross-cultural understanding, and deep insight. Penney synthesizes great amounts of detail, and can explain complex metaphysical, philosophical material in a personal, down-to-earth way. She is experienced in business, writing, speaking, and design.

My friend Jim Harden, of Greystone Consulting in Annapolis, sends out a nicely written newsletter periodically. The latest is about empathy and I like what he says because it relates to my ideas about using our growing ultrasensitivity in positive ways. I'll be excerpting more of it on my blog:

Empathy skills are those that involve paying attention to other people — things like listening, attending to needs and wants of others, and building relationships. When empathy skills are high, one is more likely to inspire the troops. When a manager understands his/her people and communicates that to them, he/she is more liked and respected. And that is how practicing empathy results in better performance. When a manager is respected, the people they lead are more likely to go the extra mile. Empathy and focus need to be balanced, and when they are, managing skills are optimally effective.

At the outset empathy involves real curiosity and a desire to know or understand. There is a genuine interest in what the person is saying and feeling. You cannot have empathy without asking questions. Some typical ones are:
1. “Can you say more about that?”
2. “Really? That’s interesting. Can you be more specific?”
3. “I wasn’t aware of that. Tell me more.”
4. “I’m curious about that. Let’s discuss this in more depth.”
5. “Let me see if I understand you correctly…here is what I hear you saying…”

Managers and leaders who are high in empathy skills are able to pick up emotional cues. They can appreciate not only what a person is saying, but also why they are saying it. At the highest levels, they also understand where a person’s feelings might come from.

Netflix Recommendation
Snowcake: Interesting heartwarming small film with Alan Rickman and Sigourney Weaver. The Holiday and Tara Road: two "Let's switch houses and realities" films with great casts and dialogue.

Look at Penney's Peru photos ; Germany photos

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