Penney Peirce's Intuitive Way eNews - Dec 16, 2009

Published: Wed, 12/16/09

December 16 , 2009
Dream Dictionary

Need a gift for the Holidays?


What's Real Underneath?

"How indeed is it possible for one human being to be sorry for all the sadness that meets him on the face of the earth, for the pain that is endured not only by men, but by animals and plants, and perhaps by the stones. The soul is tired in a moment, and in fear of losing the little she does understand. . .she retreats to the permanent lines which habit or chance have dictated, and suffers there."
— EM Forster, A Passage to India

I read this passage in a book the other day, and it made me think that this sentiment, so noble and touching, is really from the "old" way of perceiving the world. It made me want to think once again about what it is to be a "spiritual warrior." Over the past few months, in my blog, I began exploring the idea of how we are to look at "negativity" as times are transforming and we, in the process, are becoming ever more ultrasensitive, and affected by the vibration of suffering. So, how do we deal with the world's pain?

There is still more to explore on the topic, and I will get to it, but for now, I will say that being a spiritual warrior, in my opinion, does not mean that we take a stand against the stubborn, stupid, mean people of the world. It doesn't mean that we become "negativity fighters." Instead, it means that we refuse to be polarized, that we learn to stabilize ourselves within our home frequency, and choose that calm, sane state of being, out of which we can be empowered to have perfectly appropriate, in-the-moment applicable revelations that further the grace-filled evolution process. From that centered place, we can perceive from love, and through a love filter, and we can arrive at win-win-win solutions.

As I was thinking about this, I received a notice about poet David Whyte's latest workshop, Thresholds of Presence: Courageous Conversations for Difficult Times. The descriptive copy is so beautifully written, that I thought I'd pass it along. He says, "For every outer challenge in the world there is an internal place to stand that enables us to meet that challenge with courage, conviction, and generosity. The present difficulties of the world—economic, existential, or ecological—call for a radical shift in our wants and needs and therefore in our very identities. These radical shifts call for individuals to move through thresholds of understanding and presence. These threshold experiences combine a radical internal simplification of our lives with a fierce focus on our necessary work in the outer world. They ask us to be bigger, more adventurous, more equal to the larger storms that blow through life, including the recent economic storm."

On Whyte's website there is also a lovely piece, and here is an excerpt from it that relates to our theme: "Looking up from the lit door of Keane's Pub in the heart of Conemara, these clouds, landscapes, and even the Irishness of the night seem fuller and more essential through their disappearances as much as through their appearances. Human beings stand at the center of these sometimes swift, sometimes slow, always moving patterns of presence and absence, but rarely intuit their own essence might be revealed and magnified by what is veiled and hidden, or by what has been taken away. Yet this form of subtraction may be the very hallmark of our time. At the present time we are asked to live in companionship with patterns and dynamics that are either disappearing, have not fully emerged or can never be fully named; patterns perhaps already changing into forms for which we have yet no language.

It is tempting, in this limbo time between the traumas of a world once said to be in ceaseless war with terrorism and a not yet fully formed future ideal, to feel righteously lost. Everything seems to be paused and hanging in a mist-wrought, barely moving dance. The world's economic systems, the world's ecological systems, the relations between haves and have-nots, the sovereignty of nation states upon which many millions of individuals have based their identities, all these are taking forms which we cannot quite recognize, and in that movement through form seem to be on the verge of disappearing."

Last week, I wrote in my journal, in parallel to Whyte it seems, concerning my questing about spiritual warriorship: "Are we to combat evil? Not in the conflict way, but in the embodiment way—totally chinkless, no way for doubt-of-the-divine to enter. We transform negativity with redirecting Aikido moves, helping what's stopped or lost rejoin the Flow. We are strong and upright, like a tree, ephemeral and fluid as a mirage that can appear and disappear and reappear with the changing light and thus influence the viewer to focus on particular aspects that allow truth to position itself for the powerful revelations. Each day we must ask ourselves: Where do I go into contraction? Is it politics, relationship, money, exercise, health, moving somewhere new? In these areas, practice letting go of being in resistance."

Penney's Calendar

Dec 20-31:
I will be available for private consultations over the Christmas holiday. So far: Dec 28: Aurora; Dec 29: Broomfield. Sign up at

Penney and Frequency are featured as the cover story on New Spirit Journal's November issue. Access it at or download the podcast in mp3 format.

A number of radio interviews in January and February of 2010; Penney will be home and available for private sessions.


PENNEY PEIRCE is a gifted intuitive empath and rare mentor/teacher who speaks and writes with clarity, cross-cultural understanding, and deep insight. Penney synthesizes great amounts of detail, and can explain complex metaphysical, philosophical material in a personal, down-to-earth way. She is experienced in business, writing, speaking, and design thinking.

Intuition Tip #26
applications for your truth signal at work

You're probably more accustomed to noticing when things seem wrong or out of alignment but if you pay attention, you can also notice when things are going right.

They seem charmed and there's an experience of easy flow, synchronicity, right timing, and collaboration has a happy quality. Then too, facing difficulties instead of avoiding them can be the path of easiest flow because it generates greater awareness in the process.

Your truth signal will alert you to when a process is correct. When you feel expansion and that "clicking" sensation, it's important to stop and go deeper into what's causing the truth signal. What's working? Learn from it! Validate it! What's the next most appropriate step? Take it!

1. You walk around your office, department, or production facility, letting your body bring you impressions.
Let the subtle expansions you experience as you engage with various people educate you about whether an employee is living and working with integrity and doing a great job. Trust your truth signal to point out where and when to make a good example of someone, apply extra credits, or give rewards.

Tips are copyright 2009, by Penney Peirce, from The Intuitive Way, third edition, Beyond Words Publishing/Simon & Schuster

Netflix Recommendation
• Wire in the Blood: Season 6
I confess, I love British actor Robson Green. In this gritty English series based on the novels of Val McDermid, he plays an intuitive, empathic psychologist who profiles serial killers often by putting himself into their mindset. Suffice to say, some days he's not quite all in the real world. . .

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Do the constraints of these difficult times mean you need to make changes in your career, business, or location? Why not get a new perspective from a frequency point of view — about what's possible for you this year?

How might a change in perception and personal vibration shift your external circumstances? Private intuitive coaching sessions, $180/hr in 15-minute increments, $100/hr for the second hour. I look forward to working with you on any issues that concern you. You can sign up online.

PENNEY'S WEBSITES will still get you there.
Excerpts, a full press kit, and other info about FREQUENCY: The Power of Personal Vibration



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