Penney Peirce's Intuitive Way eNews July 3, 2009

Published: Fri, 07/03/09

July 3, 2009
Dream Dictionary

Come to Baltimore Aug 1 for the 1-Day
East Coast Frequency Intensive! will still get you there.
Find excerpts, a full press kit, and other info about FREQUENCY: The Power of Personal Vibration

Penney's FREQUENCY Tour

Download the 2-pp Flyer!!

—July 20-31: Private Intuitive Counseling Sessions (90 or 45 minutes) • Ellicott City (Pamela Sabatiuk 410/203-2256) or
• Parkville (Cheryl Oed 410/668-4773)
—Wed July 22: Small Group Workshop, Making Yourself Transparent, 7-9pm, Ellicott City, $30. Call Pam, 410/203-2256
—Fri July 24: Talk & Booksigning, The 9 Stages of the Transformation Process, at breathe books, free, 410/235-7323, 810 W 36th St, Baltimore
—Sat July 25: Workshop, The Power of Personal Vibration, 10am-1pm, breathe books, $50, 410/235-7323, 810 W 36th St, Baltimore Followed by 45-min Intuitive Numerology Readings.
—Sun July 26: Sunday Service (10:30am) and Workshop (1-3pm) at Unity DC, with Rev. Sylvia Sumter, Raise Your Frequency and Change Your Life,700A Street NE, DC 20002, 202/543-1414
—Wed July 29: Small Group Research Reading: 2012: It’s Not What You Think—A Reading on Future Trends, 7-9pm, $30, Parkville, call Cheryl at 410/668-4773
1-day workshop, 9:30am-4:30pm, Sherwood Farms, Cromwell Valley Park, Towson area, RAISING YOUR FREQUENCY: Discover the importance of jumpstarting your flow, choosing your vibration, and truly modernizing your business and personal life. Register early at, or contact Eileen Gwin, 410/949-5503, [email protected]

Aug 3-16, Daytona Beach, Readings available, 415/898-8925

Sep 5-7, International Conference on the Study of Shamanism and Alternative Modes of Healing, "Shamans of the 21st Century" • Becoming One with the Frequency of Now, Santa Sabina Center, San Rafael

• Streaming audio interviews now posted on my

Intuition Tip #21
applications for your truth & anxiety signals at work

You probably know the feeling of taking action because you're inexplicably uncomfortable about a situation. When you sense that something's fishy, or you're not getting the whole story, or there's a sudden sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, it's crucially important to stop and go deeper into what's causing the anxiety signal. When you don't listen to your "little voice," chances are you and your organization will pay the price.

1. You walk around your office, department, or production facility, letting your body bring you impressions.
Let the subtle contractions you experience as you engage with various people educate you about whether an employee needs rest, renewed motivation, correction, or praise. Trust your anxiety signal to point out where and when to intervene to prevent waste or when you should be tolerant and allow an employee or process to self-correct naturally.

Tips are copyright 2009, by Penney Peirce, from The Intuitive Way, third edition, Beyond Word Publishing

The Power of Personal Vibration

Order a copy from amazon!

Everything is vibrating. In fact, each of us has a personal vibration that accurately communicates who we are to the world and helps shape our reality. In Frequency, Penney Peirce takes us into new territory, exploring the dynamics of energy, personal resonance, and our accelerating ultrasensitivity.

Frequency shows you how to feel your personal vibration and work intentionally with energy to transform your life. By learning to stay centered in your "home frequency" — the highest, most natural personal vibration you can attain — you can maximize clarity and minimize struggle. A simple shift in frequency is often all it takes to change depression to peace and fear to enthusiasm.

From a Reader: "Just so you know your books are enjoying exposure here in Washington state—I thought you’d get a kick out of the conflict I’m having right now about returning The Present Moment and the Frequency books back to the library. Usually I just keep renewing but I discovered there are 4 other people who have these books on hold— so I must return them! I actually thought about keeping The Present Moment because it has become such an integral part of my morning devotion. But then I decided that wasn't being in integrity—and the last place you want to be out of integrity is with your devotion materials! And, if the gods really want me reading these two books, they'll speed the delivery of the ones I ordered online. :-)

in Seattle

Penney on Frequency on YouTube:

Quote from FREQUENCY

In spite of struggles and difficulties, please remember that you're floating down a river headed for a destination that is a sure thing: knowing yourself as your soul. You are at the part of the transformation process where old low-frequency fears and unhealthy feeling habits surface and want to move out. You're experiencing the reaction to this, where you want to resuppress the discomfort and pain through fight or flight methods. Your struggle against suffering and fear of the void wears you down, however, and eventually you enter the phase where you clearly see that the old habits and forms have outlived their usefulness.

The old world is slow because of separation, gaps, and fear.
The new world is fast because of interconnection.
As we approach unity, life is more instantaneous.
Our lives work by new rules based on the speed
of the present moment.

What's Real Underneath (continued)

I seemed to be riding on a wave that was propelling me along. When I arrived early at the airport for my flight to Lisbon, some women rushed me through check-in and onto the 7am flight instead of the 8:30am one. I made it, after running most of the way. And why? Now I got to wait 5 hours in Newark instead of 3! This sort of hurry up and wait scenario happened numerous times. Do It Now, then Why Did I Do It? When I asked my inner self what this was all about, it said, "This is a test of obedience to the Flow. Learn to act on instinct and follow the prevailing movement, and one day it will save your life." I suppose I'll never know if my being on the 7am flight might have benefited someone on the other side of the world.

I also watched other people caught in nearly instant external manifestations of inner energy snafus. The emotional issues people unconsciously carried were acted out with other people with matching patterns. I watched as fragmentation and opposition created losses, and unity created success. I also saw a greater than average number of people who had fallen and injured legs and ankles, or who, like me, had dropsy and were repeatedly spilling things. Life seemed to be saying: Pay more attention to how you move forward and what you're doing.

This year, we are so much more focused in the present moment, and the energy wave washing through our reality is of such a high frequency, that we are experiencing more instantaneousness, and the negative impact of our unconscious "holding patterns" and habits on the smooth, synchronous nature of the Flow. I am seeing how the Flow is conscious, and how it coordinates everyone's needs so perfectly and smoothly, if we don't get in the way with doubt, criticism, resistance, and fear.


PENNEY PEIRCE is a gifted intuitive empath and rare mentor/teacher who speaks and writes with clarity, cross-cultural understanding, and deep insight. Penney synthesizes great amounts of detail, and can explain complex metaphysical, philosophical material in a personal, down-to-earth way. She is experienced in business, writing, speaking, and design thinking.

I've been traveling extensively the past few months, and often unable to access the internet, so I am finally getting a newsletter out! I spent 2 weeks in Portugal for a marvelous congress on synchronizing ourselves with the planet. Carol Adrienne, Masaru Emoto, Lawrence Joseph, Judy Neal, and others were speakers. Overall, there was a unique synthesis of astrology, science, and information about synchronicity, frequency dynamics, and the leading edge in business.

But underneath the congress, and all around it, the people and the land gave me another powerful lesson. I read that the Portugese people have "a kind of lyrical-yearning complex that makes them feel an acute dissatisfaction with reality, at the same time emphasizing it in poetry. Also: an irreparable incapacity for planning and organizing allied to a special knack for improvisation. They put their faith in another place, a tomorrow far away and uncertain, situated elsewhere in another existence, another time."

From the moment I arrived, I felt the fluidity of the culture. Some people were very late for appointments, and so casually organized as to be nearly offensive to my orderly, agreement-keeping self. On the other hand, there was a spontaneity that brought with it amazing synchronicities. A telepathy operated below the surface that caused paths to cross and needs to be met, without asking. Just think it, and it was provided within minutes sometimes!

I've been speaking about becoming transparent, of dissolving the clutter that interferes with direct transfer of soul wisdom and force through our personality. In many ways, Portugal was a great lesson for me in doing just that. I had to Let Go, Have Faith, Wait & See, and Welcome What Comes. I knew I couldn't dip into irritation, criticism, righteousness, or any of those "old" reactions — because when I did, I immediately felt how wasteful it was.
(continued below left)

Netflix Recommendation
McLeod's Daughters: An Aussie series featuring a group of women who end up running a cattle station in southern Australia. Nice chemistry with the actors, real work with animals, great scenery.

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Download my talk on Frequency from the Bodhi Tree Bookstore in March

Join the Arlington Institute's yahoogroup on Coming Changes

Do the constraints of these difficult times mean you need to make changes in your career, business, or location? Why not get a new perspective from a frequency point of view—about what's possible for you this year?

How might a change in perception and personal vibration shift your external circumstances? Private intuitive coaching sessions, $180/hr in 15-minute increments, $100/hr for the second hour. I look forward to working with you on any issues that concern you. You can sign up online.



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