East Coast FREQUENCY Intensive!

Published: Tue, 07/14/09

July 14, 2009
Dream Dictionary


Come Join Us for the East Coast
Frequency Intensive!
Aug 1, Baltimore, MD

Download the 2-pp Flyer!!

RAISING YOUR FREQUENCY: Discover the importance of jumpstarting your flow, choosing your vibration, and truly modernizing your business and personal life.

Enroll early for discounts: www.mindfood.net

www.intuitnow.com will still get you there.

Penney's FREQUENCY Tour

—July 20-31: Private Intuitive Counseling Sessions (90 or 45 minutes)
• In Ellicott City (Pamela Sabatiuk 410/203-2256) or
• In Parkville (Cheryl Oed 410/668-4773)
—Wed July 22: Small Group Workshop, Making Yourself Transparent, 7-9pm, Ellicott City, $30. Call Pam, 410/203-2256
—Fri July 24: Talk & Booksigning, The 9 Stages of the Transformation Process, at breathe books, free, 410/235-7323, 810 W 36th St, Baltimore
—Sat July 25: Workshop, The Power of Personal Vibration, 10am-1pm, breathe books, $50, 410/235-7323, 810 W 36th St, Baltimore Followed by 45-min Intuitive Numerology Readings.
—Sun July 26: Sunday Service (10:30am) and Workshop (1-3pm) at Unity DC, with Rev. Sylvia Sumter, Raise Your Frequency and Change Your Life,700A Street NE, DC 20002, 202/543-1414
—Wed July 29: Small Group Research Reading: 2012: It’s Not What You Think—A Reading on Future Trends, 7-9pm, $30, Parkville, call Cheryl at 410/668-4773
1-day workshop, 9:30am-4:30pm, Sherwood Farms, Cromwell Valley Park, Towson area, RAISING YOUR FREQUENCY: Discover the importance of jumpstarting your flow, choosing your vibration, and truly modernizing your business and personal life. Register early at www.mindfood.net, or contact Eileen Gwin, 410/949-5503, [email protected]

Aug 3-16, Daytona Beach, Readings available, 415/898-8925

Sep 5-7, International Conference on the Study of Shamanism and Alternative Modes of Healing, "Shamans of the 21st Century" • Becoming One with the Frequency of Now, Santa Sabina Center, San Rafael www.shamanismconference.org

• Streaming audio interviews now posted on my website:www.penneypeirce.com.

The Power of Personal Vibration

Order a copy from amazon!

Everything is vibrating. In fact, each of us has a personal vibration that accurately communicates who we are to the world and helps shape our reality. In Frequency, Penney Peirce takes us into new territory, exploring the dynamics of energy, personal resonance, and our accelerating ultrasensitivity.

Frequency shows you how to feel your personal vibration and work intentionally with energy to transform your life. By learning to stay centered in your "home frequency" — the highest, most natural personal vibration you can attain — you can maximize clarity and minimize struggle. A simple shift in frequency is often all it takes to change depression to peace and fear to enthusiasm.

From a Reader: Just so you know your books are enjoying exposure here in Washington state—I thought you’d get a kick out of the conflict I’m having right now about returning The Present Moment and the Frequency books back to the library. Usually I just keep renewing but I discovered there are 4 other people who have these books on hold— so I must return them! I actually thought about keeping The Present Moment because it has become such an integral part of my morning devotion. But then I decided that wasn't being in integrity—and the last place you want to be out of integrity is with your devotion materials! And, if the gods really want me reading these two books, they'll speed the delivery of the ones I ordered online. :-)

Lori, in Seattle

I had been searching for info lately and was unfamiliar with Penney's work, other than her first book. But Frequency punched me in the gut!!! So much great stuff that fleshed out experiences I have had, and it made verbal sense of the wave/particle experience. BRAVO!!!!


PENNEY PEIRCE is a gifted intuitive empath and rare mentor/teacher who speaks and writes with clarity, cross-cultural understanding, and deep insight. Penney synthesizes great amounts of detail, and can explain complex metaphysical, philosophical material in a personal, down-to-earth way. She is experienced in business, writing, speaking, and design thinking.

Do the constraints of these difficult times mean you need to make changes in your career, business, or location? Why not get a new perspective from a frequency point of view—about what's possible for you this year?

How might a change in perception and personal vibration shift your external circumstances? Private intuitive coaching sessions, $180/hr in 15-minute increments, $100/hr for the second hour. I look forward to working with you on any issues that concern you. You can sign up online.

I found your book directly due to a shift in my frequency. Yesterday, I knew I had to go to Barnes and Noble. I used the excuse of a wanting a book I would later remember I already had. I had just decided days before to let everything go that I had been willing my way toward for the last few years. As a result, a lightness entered my body along with an exuberance and a sense of excitement for I'm not sure what.

So when I felt the pull to go to the bookstore there was no reason not to listen. I got there and strolled along the periphery of the store feeling the energy of the books and if they either attracted or repelled me. I was inexplicably and powerfully drawn to yours. It was like it was whispering to me. In the past I would've read some of it right there to see if I really needed it or perhaps have something similar at home. But instead, the book felt so good that I knew it was perfect and having read nearly three quarters in the last 18 hours I now know why! I am always amazed at how I am led to the exact right experience to propel me into what's next along my path of evolution. Sending you lots of appreciation!


I just read your book Frequency. I must say that each word rang deeply in my soul. Flowing. Wonderful. A new revelation. I hope to be able to live it. I hope the magic of your words acts as a trigger that will move me higher in frequency. Thank you very much for bringing wisdom from the everlasting source of life and sharing the higher truths with us.

I like the way you describe the soul. It is put into terms I can relate to, rather than some ethereal entity. I easily grasp the concept of higher and lower vibrations. In many passages of the book it appears you are speaking directly to me, or about me. This year I am feeling the pull of change, and was extremely antsy. While online one day I saw your book advertised and it spoke directly to me. It is exactly what I needed.

Last evening before I went to sleep I was reading it— the section on relationships. You spoke of a "karmic" relationship, and how it is automatic and hypnotic at first, then feels like a tunnel, and at the other end you shake yourself off and wonder what just happened. That was my 30 odd years relationship with my now-deceased husband - that described it perfectly. That relationship was much too intense to describe here, but you cleared up many questions for me with just that simple statement. Once again, thank you

I love your book. Enjoyed the story of how the book got its name. Wanted to mention how my 9-year-old grandson kept touching the cover of and saying how much he really liked and was fascinated by the illustration. The illustration is magnetizing and mesmerizing to me too. Many thanks for writing this very timely book. I've got my journal, so here I go!!!



This is a no-fee opt-in publication, sent approximately every 2 weeks, via aweber.com. The distribution list is kept strictly private. Your name will not be given to any person or organization. Material is copyright by Penney Peirce 2009. Sign up at www.penneypeirce.com. Please forward this to your friends if you think they'd like it!