Penney Peirce's Intuitive Way eNews October 8, 2009

Published: Thu, 10/08/09

October 8 , 2009
Dream Dictionary

Great News!
The 3rd Edition of The Intuitive Way is Out!

This is a great companion to Frequency, and is still probably the best course on intuition development available. Consider it for your Christmas list!


"Our own private intuition is the catalyst for self-improvement and self-realization, because when it comes to making deep and lasting changes in one's personal life, it is only subjective experience, not facts, that registers as real."

"Intuition is a powerful tool that can heal the painful split we all feel between our earthly, mundane selves and our divine, eternal selves. When we realize that our spiritual knowledge is in us right now, and always has been, we become filled with light, light-hearted, and enlightened."

"I bought The Intuitive Way in 2001 and found it a standout in its field (in its design aspect, I liked the layout with its pertinent sidebar quotes, its diagrams, and its numbered lists of exercises and its overall easy navigability). I found it transformative, as it came at a time of intense personal transition. Penney, your gentle, humorous, warm, loving, broadly researched guidance opened more doors for me than anything else I'd read of its type. And in saying that, there is no real 'type' for this book--it's sui generis. It was both confirming and expanding for me, and kicked off a growth phase that has brought out the best in me. Thank you. It's a handbook to dip into often after the first read, and I thoroughly recommend it to anyone wishing to grow all aspects of their potential and to deepen their connection to the source in every minute of everyday living."

--Susie Surtees, Australia

Intuition Tip #23
applications for your truth & anxiety signals at work

You probably know the feeling of taking action because you're inexplicably uncomfortable about a situation. When you sense that something's fishy, or you're not getting the whole story, or there's a sudden sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, it's crucially important to stop and go deeper into what's causing the anxiety signal. When you don't listen to your "little voice," chances are you and your organization will pay the price.

3. You're in a meeting and your anxiety signal alerts you to the fact that most of the people have drifted off and aren't listening.
The flow has stopped. Instead of bulling your way forward, you stop and humorously ask out loud where they've gone and what's preoccupying their thoughts right now, thus bringing the meeting back into focus and creating relevance. You know intuitively when something more, or less, needs to be said to clear the flow.

Tips are copyright 2009, by Penney Peirce, from The Intuitive Way, third edition, Beyond Word Publishing

Penney's FREQUENCY Tour

All of October: I am home!!! And available for readings and radio interviews. Sign up at

Sa Nov 28: RADIO INTERVIEW, "Temple of Health," Atlanta, GA, with Dr. Susan Kolb, noon-1:00 pm ET, Call in: 877/876-5227

Th Dec 10: Book Passage Bookstore, Booksigning and Reading ofFrequency, 7-8:30pm, 51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera, CA

    Dec 20-31:
    I will be available for private consultations over the Christmas holiday. Sign up at

    New streaming audio interviews are posted on my website:

    The Power of Personal Vibration


    Everything is vibrating. In fact, each of us has a personal vibration that accurately communicates who we are to the world and helps shape our reality. In Frequency, Penney Peirce takes us into new territory, exploring the dynamics of energy, personal resonance, and our accelerating ultrasensitivity.

    Frequency shows you how to feel your personal vibration and work intentionally with energy to transform your life. By learning to stay centered in your "home frequency" -- the highest, most natural personal vibration you can attain -- you can maximize clarity and minimize struggle. A simple shift in frequency is often all it takes to change depression to peace and fear to enthusiasm.

    Penney on Frequency on YouTube

    Penney's Websites will still get you there.
    Excerpts, a full press kit, and other info about
    FREQUENCY: The Power of Personal Vibration


    PENNEY PEIRCE is a gifted intuitive empath and rare mentor/teacher who speaks and writes with clarity, cross-cultural understanding, and deep insight. Penney synthesizes great amounts of detail, and can explain complex metaphysical, philosophical material in a personal, down-to-earth way. She is experienced in business, writing, speaking, and design thinking.

    In the last newsletter I wrote about staying in the flow and not voting on whether experiences were "good" or "bad." I find this theme continuing. I've mentioned that this year has been one big intensification of the energy on the planet, and thus, in our bodies and lives. I now see many people getting with the concept of releasing the clutter of soul-blocking thinking and old habits, and intentionally wanting to raise their frequency.

    Often the method for achieving this is slightly unconscious at first, surprising or tricking the mind. A turn of events might look "negative," but the overall effect is to free the Flow through the body, emotions, and mind. In the last month, for the first time in my whole career, I've had 3 clients who either became nauseous during their reading, or immediately afterward. One went home and threw up all night. As "bad" as this sounds, I sense what was really happening was that the soul was intent on moving the personality forward, through old heavy family programming, and in a couple cases, through some brutally violent childhood experiences.

    How does this work? Perhaps it has something to do with "I can't stomach this old pain anymore," with the organism wanting to rid itself immediately of an unhealthy, toxic energy pattern. I find we often act out physically the shifting of consciousness, to make the change really real to our subconscious and body. Sometimes we create a physical turning point, a marker, as an excuse to change. It might be an accident, or illness, or dramatic event. Now you can say, "See, I'm different -- BECAUSE I'm now on the other side of. . .

    One of the clients who became nauseous said, "My boss said I was probably releasing toxins...(but in spite of the nausea) I definitely felt very peaceful on my drive home." She reported that the other client, her friend, "was overwhelmed by the reading (not in a negative way). She said she probably only picked up on 10% of what you said. She was going to go back and listen to the tape. I already noticed a tremendous attitudinal change in two areas of her life...pretty amazing, actually."

    What's fascinating to me is that I am seeing people operating FROM THEIR SOUL and yet not quite aware of it yet. They are doing whatever's necessary to get clear, and often as fast as they can, even if that means some discomfort or even big changes in their relationships, job, or living situation. I am tremendously moved by this; it's courage at it's best, the human spirit at its best.

    Netflix Recommendation
    Lars and the Real Girl: This is a surprising film, with great acting by Ryan Gosling, Patricia Clarkson, and others. It is so compassionate and well-written and different! Recommendation: Six Degrees of Separation television series; only went for one season but interesting!

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    Do the constraints of these difficult times mean you need to make changes in your career, business, or location? Why not get a new perspective from a frequency point of view -- about what's possible for you this year?

    How might a change in perception and personal vibration shift your external circumstances? Private intuitive coaching sessions, $180/hr in 15-minute increments, $100/hr for the second hour. I look forward to working with you on any issues that concern you. You can sign up online.


    This is a no-fee opt-in publication, sent approximately every 2 weeks, via The distribution list is kept strictly private. Your name will not be given to any person or organization. Material is copyright by Penney Peirce 2009. Sign up at Please forward this to your friends if you think they'd like it!