Penney Peirce's Intuitive Way eNews - April 14, 2010

Published: Wed, 04/14/10

April 14, 2010
Dream DictionaryDreamsForDummies

From Facebook:
Thank you, Penney! I have been reading your book
Frequency since August 09 :-). On pages 158 and 159 for several weeks now! Strangest thing...this book works like a vibropathic remedy. Calming the feverish intensity and softening the denser edges. Simply visualizing the words, "Home Frequency," invokes an instant shift, a softening. Gentle ever-expanding waves of inclusivness--the sweet spot if you will. hehe :-) Thank you for your presence of Being. --Heather

I totally get where you're coming from, Heather. I've had a similar experience with Penney's book. Some pages just wouldn't let me go until they were done with me. --Sarah


What's Real Underneath

This year started with a great flow of productive energy, a wave that brought enthusiasm for what was possible to do. Then we experienced several months of the bow being pulled back, with the arrow notched and ready to fly--but when would the release come? I personally am still waiting! When I look deeper into what's been going on since about mid-February, I get these words: gestation, cocooning, deep inner restructuring, cleansing and releasing old limiting beliefs and behaviors, coming back to ourselves, and coming into our true selves as never before. We are quietly reclaiming who we really are and separating from ways of making our reality that don't serve us.

I was sitting in my car with a cup of coffee and a book the other day, soaking up the sun and coziness, when I suddenly zoomed way up into the sky. I could see little Penney down there, and her tiny routes around her house and yard, and around town--so LOCAL!! Especially after traveling the world for over a third of last year. What was she doing? My inner voice answered: Weaving silk threads of the cocoon around herself so she can transform more deeply. She is allowing herself to be mundane and silent, to burn through old patterns, to emerge renewed when the time is right. My mind wants to jump into some new change or powerful activity with both boots on, but the deeper me is holding me in place just a little while longer.

The energy waves keep rolling in, and through, and my body and emotions must adjust quickly to match the ever-intensifying frequencies of energy--and awareness. I seem to do that best right now when my mind is out of the way, either when I'm watching a video, reading, gardening, or sleeping. Are you feeling any of this, too? Perhaps you have needed to become sick for awhile to allow yourself to slow down and stop? Have you experienced a confrontation with old behavior habits that just won't work anymore? And if you stubbornly keep pushing on with them, they're going to undermine you in a big way? Transformation is not really much of a casual choice now; it's becoming necessary for continued life. Perhaps the butterfly, before she emerges, feels this great need to push through limitations, too. NOTHING SHALL HOLD ME BACK!! Break it, and be free!

In the past few weeks I have also experienced an odd sensation: that of feeling "bi-located," as though I'm here only partially because the bulk of my presence is focused in another dimension, doing something I can't quite bring into awareness. I dreamed that I was involved in a battle set in an old stone, fortress-type European university, like Oxford. It had the quality of a war game, like it was being staged, but people in my group were actually bloody and injured. I was moving around making strategic decisions, and was entirely neutral--not a speck of emotion. I saw that the other group was mounting a huge battering ram on a crane, manuevering it into position, and I called this out to my group so we could prepare a countermove. I woke at this point, feeling that there really IS a battle going on behind the scenes, and perhaps it was symbolized as being in a "fortress-university" because it is a battle of ideologies and fixed beliefs. Certainly we're seeing the oppositions mounting battering rams in politics and religion. But perhaps something big is brewing under the surface that will affect us globally. . .

I invite you to feel into what's going on in your own deeper levels right now. What is your soul doing with this intensified energy and awareness? What choices are you making? What habits are you changing? What are you breaking free from?

Penney's Calendar

I am home and available for intuitive coaching and readings. Not traveling anywhere 'til mid-May!

I recently did a skype video interviewed with Lilou Mace, from Nantes, France, for her website. You can watch it at: We just did a couple more segments, one on dreams and one on intuition, so you may want to add Lilou's site to your favorites, if you don't know it already; she offers a wonderful array of interviews.

For those of you who like to plan ahead, I'll be at Omega Institute in mid-July and at Kripalu in early October. You can find details of the programs on my Calendar page and at The Visionary Institute page. I also have a variety of radio and video interviews scheduled.


PENNEY PEIRCE is a gifted intuitive empath and rare mentor/teacher who speaks and writes with clarity, cross-cultural understanding, and deep insight. Penney synthesizes great amounts of detail, and can explain complex metaphysical, philosophical material in a personal, down-to-earth way. She is experienced in business, writing, speaking, and design thinking.

Intuition Tip #29
applications for your truth signal at work

You're probably more accustomed to noticing when things seem wrong or out of alignment but if you pay attention, you can also notice when things are going right.

They seem charmed and there's an experience of easy flow, synchronicity, right timing, and collaboration has a happy quality. Then too, facing difficulties instead of avoiding them can be the path of easiest flow because it generates greater awareness in the process.

Your truth signal will alert you to when a process is correct. When you feel expansion and that "clicking" sensation, it's important to stop and go deeper into what's causing the truth signal. What's working? Learn from it! Validate it! What's the next most appropriate step? Take it!

You receive a key piece of feedback or data from either your employees or clients. You sit quietly with the information and ask what you need to do about it. Your truth signal reveals the best path for integrating the insight, by giving you a feeling of flow and light.

Tips are copyright 2009, by Penney Peirce, from The Intuitive Way, third edition, Beyond Words Publishing, Simon & Schuster

Netflix Recommendation

  • Feast of Love:
  • with Morgan Freeman, Greg Kinnear, Jane Alexander; a life-affirming story of different ways of loving. Palpable heart energy.

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    Do the constraints of these difficult times mean you need to make changes in your career, business, or location? Why not get a new perspective from a frequency point of view -- about what's possible for you this year?

    How might a change in perception and personal vibration shift your external circumstances? Private intuitive coaching sessions, $180/hr in 15-minute increments, $100/hr for the second hour. I look forward to working with you on any issues that concern you. You can sign up online.

    PENNEY'S WEBSITES will still get you there.
    Excerpts, a full press kit, and other info about FREQUENCY: The Power of Personal Vibration



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