Penney Peirce's Intuitive Way eNews - May 31, 2010

Published: Mon, 05/31/10

May 31, 2010
Dream DictionaryDreamsForDummies



What's Real Underneath

I mentioned in my previous newsletter that I'd been feeling "bi-located," as though I were here in my body but treading water, waiting, while something was happening more actively in another dimension. Then on May 5, I had a powerful visionary dream that woke me at exactly 3am, and was really a living reality. The dream was so real that it has carried on with me since then, and I feel like I have a foot in two worlds simultaneously. As this continues, I wonder whether this is what we all must begin to get used to, as we bring the soul reality and its rules of functioning into our "ordinary" reality to transform it, and ourselves. Here is a partial recounting of my dream:

Scene 1: I'm with a group at a retreat in the mountains; we're discussing how to recall the many steps in "The Ascension Ceremony" that was taught in ancient times. I see, from the air, the ceremony happening in a clearing; people are wearing white.

Scene 2: I'm walking down a street in a city at night with a group. I see, above the tree/building line, some huge clouds almost at eye level. I see it is actually a giant circular space ship tilted at 45 degrees. I see through the illusion of the clouds to an underlying pattern on the ship; lots of concentric triangles and raised designs in the metal. Then I see, slightly behind and to the left, another ship, just as big, but paler in color. I'm exclaiming, "It's a ship! They're actually here, right here!! There are two!" No one else notices, or hears me

Scene 3: I'm in a large loft with a dozen beings from the ships. This is a dimension parallel with the city's physical vibration. The light is pale grey but I can see well. The beings are scattered about, some in small clusters talking to each other. I'm on a high stool at a high round table, waiting, at eye level with these tall beings. They look human, but are dressed in a variety of styles, many costumelike, and I sense they can create any image of themselves they fancy at the time, for their own amusement. A male walks close to me and his aura penetrates mine. It is SO intense and vibrating at such a high frequency that I become electrified; it lights up the retinas behind my eyes and I see golden-white light everywhere. I experience joy and glee in my emotional body. These beings are all vibrating like this but with slightly different qualities.

Scene 4: I'm guided into an alcove by a female who looks quite normal; mousy brown hair and a button-up sheathdress, like from the 30s or 40s. I stand and she sits 6 feet in front of me. She looks into me and shakes her head slightly, saying, "So much pain." Then she aims her fingers at me, hand held with thumb at top, and wiggles them. A process begins of clearing a section of my body, about 6 inches long, from heart to solar plexus/stomach. I know several things as she works:

Someone will work on my lower chakras next, and after that section clears, they will work on the top chakras to release everything else. This cannot be hurried but will happen fast. I'm surprised as I realize that we don't have to get ourselves ALL the way there (to enlightenment, for lack of a better word) alone, by our own efforts. At a certain point, the group comes to help.

When everything is cleared, I will be "transparent" and my vibration will remain parallel with theirs easily. I will hold no identity, have no particular story or history, and like them, I will be able to appear whatever way I like. I don't think I will actually die, but will just shift to the vibration entirely. I can feel how easy it will be.

What they are clearing is not at all important for me; it is a residue or sludge left from painful experiences in previous lives and the past in general. It has nothing to do with who I am, but it is too hard for me to release it by myself, so they are helping me with the last bits. I know people identify with this residue and make it important, but it has no meaning. It is like a skin shed by a snake.

I feel back through my lives on earth, and how prehistoric, how SLOW and sloggy, it has been. How ignorance is accepted as normal. How I/we have suffered, but patiently, getting back to this high vibration. Everything has been about opening memory of this vibratory level and how we function at this focus. But the earth itself vibrates more slowly than this, so it has been a challenging task to open memory from WITHIN the 3rd dimension. I remember The Ascension Ceremony from the first part of the dream, and realize how clunky it was, yet at the time it seemed so esoteric.

My treatment is finished and I'm looking at them on the other side of a counter. They're busy. I think and say telepathically, sort of brightly and humorously, "This is new! I don't usually feel like the beginner, the naive, stupid one!" They say, as they are going about some menial business, "Isn't she cute and human; she's making a joke." Yet I feel they love me in a neutral way.

I cast my attention out of the loft and see one of the ships tipped up on edge; they're loading a huge crowd of people onto the ship. It looks like they are moving up a ramp then straight down a chute or steep stairwell to the core of the ship. The people look like balls of caramel colored light piled on top of each other. I wonder whether these people are going to be shifted into memory like they're doing with me. I hear, vaguely, "They are being moved."

Penney's Calendar

I am home and available for intuitive coaching and readings.

For those of you who like to plan ahead, I'll be teaching some workshops at Omega Institute (NY) in mid-July and at Kripalu (MA) in early October. You can find details of the programs on my Calendar page and at The Visionary Institute page. I also have a variety of radio and video interviews scheduled.


PENNEY PEIRCE is a gifted intuitive empath and rare mentor/teacher who speaks and writes with clarity, cross-cultural understanding, and deep insight. Penney synthesizes great amounts of detail, and can explain complex metaphysical, philosophical material in a personal, down-to-earth way. She is experienced in business, writing, speaking, and design thinking.

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Intuition Tip #30
applications for your truth signal at work

You're probably more accustomed to noticing when things seem wrong or out of alignment but if you pay attention, you can also notice when things are going right.

Your truth signal will alert you to when a process is correct. When you feel expansion and that "clicking" sensation, it's important to stop and go deeper into what's causing the truth signal. What's working? Learn from it! Validate it! What's the next most appropriate step? Take it!

You and your team brainstorm an array of new ideas and everyone seems overwhelmed by the possibilities. Your truth signal, and the truth signals of the team, reveal which ones are best for this time, and which ones might come later.

Tips are copyright 2009, by Penney Peirce, from The Intuitive Way, third edition, Beyond Words Publishing, Simon & Schuster

Netflix Recommendation
I Capture the Castle and the series Hamish MacBeth
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Do the constraints of these difficult times mean you need to make changes in your career, business, or location? Why not get a new perspective from a frequency point of view — about what's possible for you this year?

How might a change in perception and personal vibration shift your external circumstances? Private intuitive coaching sessions, $180/hr in 15-minute increments, $100/hr for the second hour. I look forward to working with you on any issues that concern you. You can sign up online.

PENNEY'S WEBSITES will still get you there.
Excerpts, a full press kit, and other info about FREQUENCY: The Power of Personal Vibration

I wake up; I'm vibrating at a very very intense frequency. My heart is pounding, stomach rumbling loudly. I try to stay in the state because I don't want to lose touch with them but the vibration lessens. I think I have to maintain the exact vibration and vision from the dream to stay connected. A voice says, "We're here. Inside you. The dream is inside you; won't go away now, ever." I realize I always thought I had to FALL into sleep. But now I can RISE into sleep; to go as close as I can to the remembered vibration.

In the morning, I"m back in the slow, sloggy world. And also in the other dimension. I feel ghostlike. I make coffee and reach for a cup: I pick one with a particular design because I want to feel a certain way that the image makes me feel. The voice says, "You reconnect with us through symbols. That's the way it's always been." Later in the day and the next day, the voice talks to me. It's my usual inner voice but now it has "them" included in a conscious way. I don't feel invaded; I see that I am them, they are me, because we are of the same frequency. I just haven't had my full wakeup, all through my body yet, but I will.

The next week, I noticed that Karen Bishop, who writes the newsletter What's Up on Planet Earth, pulled away from her newsletter saying she had clear guidance that she is finished. I couldn't tell whether she is preparing to leave her body, or what; but it was interesting, since I've always received parallel information to hers. So, something is shifting behind the scenes—I wonder if any of you have experienced anything similar?

My sense is that we are getting ready to move into action according to new rules, and we're practicing being saturated with the new awareness now.



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