Penney Peirce's Intuitive Way eNews - Jan 20, 2010

Published: Wed, 01/20/10

January 20, 2010
Dream Dictionary

I merely wanted to take a moment and thank you for your outstanding book, "Frequency." I am now on my second readthrough; one could design an entire coaching program from this one book alone. As a musician I can easily relate to the concept of resonating with my home frequency—perhaps it's something I've done for a long time without knowing how to describe it as you've been able to do. It's a powerful and energetic experience to be able to convey gratitude to our teachers and mentors; thank you for stating so eloquently that energy flows where our minds go. It's all energy, I love the way it flows.
John Jones


What's Real Underneath?
Penney's 2010 Letter
download the whole letter

A Brief Recap of 2009

Super Intense Energy!
As we left 2009, many of us breathed a sigh of relief. It was the most intense year energetically that I'd experienced since perhaps. . .1987? A tsunami-like wave of heightened energy began rolling in and through us right from the start, and it only got stronger. It broke loose old habits that were keeping us from fresh perspectives, rooted up places where we were unconscious and jaded in our worldview, and challenged us to be radically honest and real. It made some of us wildly hopeful and others wildly hateful.

Clearing and Frequency-Sorting
We began to recognize the qualities of the "old" reality, where the egomind thinks it's in charge, where it tries to keep us guilty and critical, separate and isolated, and feeling like victims of a difficult, unfair world. We could feel where we weren't fitting with what used to work, because our frequency had increased. Old explanations, excuses, and descriptions of ourselves sounded tinny and hollow. We were antsy, wanting change but not being able to understand logically how it could happen, or what might be able to occur. We waffled back and forth between thinking we might have to be resigned to the old way, and getting high from the clear glimpses and felt sense of our inflowing destiny and the way the "new" reality was going to function. We let go of what no longer matched us and served us, gave up limiting beliefs, and worked through to the other side of many of our fears.

Resistance vs. Cooperation: Not Much of a Choice!
Wherever we didn't clear the egomind's useless soul-blocking clutter (did you notice the new reality TV show about hoarders?), we became depressed, agitated, or even violent. Wherever we resisted the higher frequency energy flowing through our body, emotions, and consciousness, we experienced implosions, snags, reactionary misunderstandings, accidents, losses, and illness.

Wherever we did practice being in the present moment, in our home frequency, and in our body in a loving way, we received the validation of synchronicities, easy materialization of what we needed, relationship problems that cleared up magically, physical problems that healed quickly, and the return of childlike joy and simple pleasures.

Sometimes we reverted to using cleverness and will power to MAKE the new reality happen and last, because unconsciously we were still believing that the old, slow, self-sacrificial, laborious way was stronger than we were. Whenever we did that, there were instantaneous repercussions from the reality around us: we had failures and rejections, seemed invisible or ogrelike to others.

Discovering a "New Normal"
2009 pushed us through our comfort zone, to see that there is a better way than our accustomed level of comfortableness, that there's a "new normal." For all its intensity and unrelentingness, 2009 ushered us into the first level of understanding of what we're going to feel like after we move through the transformation process, and what actions we must become familiar with in order to make the transformation real. 2009 was a year to develop trust in the Flow, to say Yes to evolution and mean it!!

So, What's Likely in 2010?
Here are a few things I've seen about what 2010 may be like. . .

Download the pdf of the whole letter.

Penney's Calendar

I am home and available for readings. Not traveling anywhere for awhile! Whew!

For those of you who like to plan ahead, I'll be at Omega Institute in mid-July and at Kripalu in October. You can find details of the programs on my calendar page. I also have a variety of radio interviews scheduled.

I'll be designing some online and tele-classes soon! Last year was a book tour year, this year will be largely about teaching. Stay tuned.


One of my friends, Australian Arctic explorer Earl de Blonville, has a new book out called Seventh Journey. It's the story of his first expedition and is a great book for Leadership.
Download the pdf flyer.

PENNEY PEIRCE is a gifted intuitive empath and rare mentor/teacher who speaks and writes with clarity, cross-cultural understanding, and deep insight. Penney synthesizes great amounts of detail, and can explain complex metaphysical, philosophical material in a personal, down-to-earth way. She is experienced in business, writing, speaking, and design thinking.

Intuition Tip #27
applications for your truth signal at work

You're probably more accustomed to noticing when things seem wrong or out of alignment but if you pay attention, you can also notice when things are going right.

They seem charmed and there's an experience of easy flow, synchronicity, right timing, and collaboration has a happy quality. Then too, facing difficulties instead of avoiding them can be the path of easiest flow because it generates greater awareness in the process.

Your truth signal will alert you to when a process is correct. When you feel expansion and that "clicking" sensation, it's important to stop and go deeper into what's causing the truth signal. What's working? Learn from it! Validate it! What's the next most appropriate step? Take it!

2. You tune in to the everyday functioning of your organization, and to the natural urge toward expansion that all individuals and groups have.
Your truth signal alerts you to new directions, experiences, and endeavors that will allow unfettered movement and the next phase of growth.

Tips are copyright 2009, by Penney Peirce, from The Intuitive Way, third edition, Beyond Words Publishing/Simon & Schuster

Netflix Recommendation
• The Impressionists: A 2-disc series from the BBC about the various French Impressionist painters, and how their friendship with each other evolved over time.
Hulu Recommendation
Design: e2: Narrated by Brad Pitt, this half-hour PBS show profiles intelligent architectural designs. 2 seasons are available.

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Do the constraints of these difficult times mean you need to make changes in your career, business, or location? Why not get a new perspective from a frequency point of view — about what's possible for you this year?

How might a change in perception and personal vibration shift your external circumstances? Private intuitive coaching sessions, $180/hr in 15-minute increments, $100/hr for the second hour. I look forward to working with you on any issues that concern you. You can sign up online.

PENNEY'S WEBSITES will still get you there.
Excerpts, a full press kit, and other info about FREQUENCY: The Power of Personal Vibration



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