Penney Peirce's 2012 Oracle Letter - January 8, 2012

Published: Sat, 01/07/12

January 8, 2012

I love FREQUENCY! It's one of about a dozen books I keep near my bed
to read for inspiration. You nail so many things about the transformation
of consciousness, and your advice is so practical! I also love your writing. Thank you for a marvelous book!

—Martha Beck


Frequency is available in paperback!
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Penney's Latest

I will be home for the first part of 2012, and available for private sessions mainly on Thursday and Friday. Check my calendar, blog, twitter, or facebook for radio interviews and upcoming events.

Ready for a private intuitive consultation?
Do the constraints of these difficult times mean you need to make changes in your career, business, relationships, or location? Why not get a new perspective from a frequency point of view—about what's possible for you?

How might a change in perception and personal vibration shift your external circumstances? Private intuitive readings and coaching sessions. I look forward to working with you on any issues that concern you. If you're interested in having a private session, please fill out an application at

Penney's 2012 Letter

Every year I write an intuitive letter about the coming year, followed by another at the summer solstice. Here's part of this year's letter; you can download the full 5-page pdf at

Here we are at long last! January 2012—the beginning of an infamous year that’s been anticipated, with both hope and dread, for centuries. 2012 has been loaded with so many meanings: it’s a magical year of transformation, a devastating year of catastrophe, the end of time, or the beginning of timelessness. Will we ascend? Will we precipitate annihilation? Will we awaken voluntarily to our true spiritual nature or live on unconsciously until we hit a wall at the dead end of the street? Can one year possibly do all this?

I know from experience that a journey begins with one step and the first steps are symbolic of the rest of the journey. Do we enter 2012 with eyes open, shiny, and softly receptive, or with eyes narrowed and averted, expecting the worst? The attitude we hold, the state we start with this month may well flavor the rest of the year. Do we give our power away to possibly distorted prophecies seen and interpreted by people caught up in various forms of ego? Or do we stay in our own “home frequency”—the ever-reliable, stable vibration of our soul in our body?

I’ve been learning that time truly is changing. It seems like it’s speeding up but really, the past and future are being swallowed by a vastly increasing ball of reality that we call the present moment. What is real about 2012 is what we choose to put our attention on right now. Get ahead of the emergence process, project beyond the surprising, arising edge of the new, and we will experience snags and illusion.

What we need is right here with us. Inside us, actually. 2012 is inside you—your unique experience of 2012—the 2012 your soul desires. 2012 may be a year of heightened consciousness, a turning point, but let me remind us all that any moment, when fully engaged with and merged with, contains the entirety of the collective consciousness, the vastness of the experience of love, and the provision of everything we could ever need. Every single moment, no matter the year.


PENNEY PEIRCE is a gifted intuitive empath and rare mentor/teacher who speaks and writes with clarity, cross-cultural understanding, and deep insight. Penney synthesizes great amounts of detail, and can explain complex metaphysical, philosophical material in a personal, down-to-earth way. She is experienced in business, writing, speaking, and design thinking.



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You may also download Penney's Letters from 2010 and 2011 on the homepage of her website. Much of the material in those editorials is still quite accurate.



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