Penney Peirce's Intuitive Way eNews - Aug 31, 2012

Published: Fri, 08/31/12

August 31, 2012

I love FREQUENCY! It's one of about a dozen books I keep near my bed
to read for inspiration. You nail so many things about the transformation
of consciousness, and your advice is so practical! I also love your writing. Thank you for a marvelous book!

—Martha Beck

Frequency is available in paperback!
Get the free audio downloads


I have been writing a new book all year, so my apologies for not sending out any newsletters. The year has gotten away from me! I am about to do some teaching in Massachusetts and Montreal; the events are detailed on the pdf flyer. I thought you might also like to see my Solstice Oracle Letter.


Penney's September Tour

You can read and download the flyer at:

Kripalu Center, Stockbridge, MA, Sep 21-23: "Energy, Intuition, and Breakthroughs: Matching the Frequency of Your Destiny"

Circles of Wisdom Center, Andover, MA, Sep 24-27: "Living in an Ultrasensitive Body: Managing Your Energy, Empathy, and Precognition," Tues Sep 25. Twelve in-person readings are available.

Emergence of a New World Conference, Montreal, Canada, Sep 29-30, Univ of Quebec. "Raise Your Vibration and Live a High-Frequency Life! How to Use Your Home Frequency as a Tool for Spiritual Mastery"

Penney's 2012 Solstice Letter

Here's the beginning of the piece. You can read all three pages at:

We are halfway through the year that was to be so dramatic, and so far the birds are still singing, the garden still grows, and the daily round still cycles. But what is going on under the surface of our reality?

I have had more people voicing the sentiment that they feel "stuck" than ever before. So many of us are aware that the old is really old, some sort of karma is completed, some preparatory stage is finalized, and something new, and perhaps totally different, is lurking near-at-hand that wants to surface and build momentum. There is a strong desire to step over the threshold into a new reality. There is anxiety about losing the security of the old life, yet simultaneously there is a restlessness that wants to move radically beyond what's known. The left brain is locked into definition, and the right brain is calling for a silent dive into deep water. The new is experiential, not predefined.

It's easy to think this is another normal life change, like getting a new job, or moving to a new house, or taking courses to develop new skills. On the surface, it may present that way, but below the surface, transformation is rising and the shift is so much more profound than our left brains realize. Reality itself is changing, the rules of the way things work are changing. Our brains are learning to function in a new way, in conjunction with our heart, our cells, and our aura or personal field. Consciousness is expanding through time and space; we are becoming a new kind of intelligence, a new kind of creature.

What we're seeing now is a birthing of this expansive Self that includes others in itself, as itself. The personal is becoming impersonal and the impersonal is becoming personal. Insights are dawning in glimmers and glimpses: how well we really do know each other, how far-reaching and immediately impactful is our mental, emotional, and physical treatment of each other, how we are so much more than we ever conceived we could be. Kind-hearted giants are at the door. With each glimmer, we recognize the truth as something we already knew. Of course! And yet, the left brain cannot accept what's coming without its typical yes-buts, doubts, and need for proof. How long can we tolerate it?

I want to be more! This is the inner cry. I AM more! Much more! I want it all. The left brain says It's just ego. It's not possible. If you don't even know how much you can be, you can't attain it. But the soul knows, the soul is landing, the soul is materializing inside people's eyes, it is exuding from their skin. The left brain is slow to let go and let soul take over the brain. 2012 is a year of recognition and memory of who you are — the kindly giant, full of wisdom, love, and talent. 2012 is a year of freedom from old perception, of breaking loose from the grip of the left brain, of not identifying yourself with the left brain, and not remaining small. This is a time of giving up excuses, of not reciting the litany of your life story and living from memory. This is a time for original thought, for being with old fears and hearing them out, for taking courageous action and having private joy and meaningful contribution as your primary, choice-making criteria.



PENNEY PEIRCE is a gifted intuitive empath and rare mentor/teacher who speaks and writes with clarity, cross-cultural understanding, and deep insight. Penney synthesizes great amounts of detail, and can explain complex metaphysical, philosophical material in a personal, down-to-earth way. She is experienced in business, writing, speaking, and design thinking.



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7 different things each week, from inspirational quotes about intuition, frequency and dreams, to beautiful prayers and poems, to a mindfulness practice. A book's worth of material!!

Dream Dictionary

You may also download Penney's Letters from 2010 and 2011 on the homepage of her website. Much of the material in those editorials is still quite accurate.



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