Penney Peirce's eNewsletter - October 3, 2013

Published: Thu, 10/03/13

October 3, 2013



Upcoming Fall Events

Sept onward: I've been doing ALOT of radio interviews, which are all archived. Please check the calendar for website info.

Oct 18-20: Please join me for a fun and mind-changing intensive weekend training on the material from my new book, Leap of Perception: The Transforming Power of Your Attention, at Kripalu Center in Stockbridge, MA (the Berkshires). Kripalu is known for their great food and incredible fall color around the lake! Can't beat their fresh-pressed cold apple juice. . .

Oct 21-25: I'll do in-depth Life and Business readings as well as 2 evening workshops at Circles of Wisdom Center in Andover, MA (just north of Boston). 978-474-8010

—Wed 10/23, 7-9:30p, Change Your Mind, Change Your Reality! Using “New Perception” to Bring Forth Your Destiny

—Fri 10/25, 7-9:30p, Using Vibration to Improve Your Relationships
Concepts from Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration

Oct 27-Nov 4: I'm finally returning to Baltimore! Haven't been in 2 years. I'll do Life and Business readings, 1 evening workshop, and 1 weekend workshop. Please contact Pam Sabatiuk in Laurel, MD at 301-776-2048 to register and make appointments. Download the pdf flyer

A Note from Penney: You may be aware that I left northern California after 35 years, in August. I spent the whole month visiting friends as I drove across country, and what a wonderful break to be "in between" and see how beautiful this country really is. I am now in Ormond Beach, FL to be closer to my mother and her husband. I am still house-hunting (after a month of looking for the right place), and hope to find a place with my name on it SOON! While I've been in limbo, it's been difficult for me to do private sessions, or even send out a newsletter. I hope to remedy that soon. For those of you who have been patiently waiting, I'll send out an email letting you know what's happening ASAP.

Penney's Wisdom Letter #4
An Intuitive Thinks about
Transforming the Entertainment Media

Download the pdf

What are the problems with entertainment media today? If we look deeper, inside each problem, what useful insight might we find about how to change things for the better? And, where’s the urgency? What’s at stake if nothing changes? These are the questions a group of transformational educators and entertainment professionals asked at a recent summit meeting or “wisdom council.” The aim of this alliance was to begin a process that could help transform the quality of the content now being served up to us by the varied forms of the entertainment media. Everyone present recognized how powerful these seemingly ordinary but highly invasive sources of content really are—how they shape our consciousness and culture, and how they're influencing us negatively today.

The First Steps of a Journey Symbolize the Rest of the Journey
These are great questions—good, logical, left-brained questions—yet as I listened to the fleshing out of the responses, I felt slightly uncomfortable, like the cart was in front of the horse and we might trip over it. Sure, films and television are glorifying and perpetuating shallow, intolerant attitudes and violent, reactionary behavior, but to my mind these things are not really the problem, they are physical materializations of one stage in a much larger—and very positive, I might add—transformation process.

From my intuitive observations, this process is already underway in the nonphysical world. It is accelerating and progressing steadily under its own steam, while the physical world tries to adjust the way it’s materializing so the form we know in the external world accurately matches the rapidly changing inner energy blueprint in the nonphysical world. The transformation process is sweeping everyone along with it—some people embrace it and enter the flow joyfully, while others fear it and try to stop it. What we’re seeing in the entertainment business—to broad-stroke it—is the materialization of the inner blueprint of a group of powerful people who basically fear and resist the part of the transformation process that requires the reinvention of self.

I think my ever-so-mild sense of tension with the way our meeting began came from several things. First, we were focusing on a part of the process as if it were the whole thing. Second, we were framing things negatively, seeing obstacles that needed to be overcome, and even anticipating negative outcomes. By focusing on blocked dynamics, we ourselves could be inadvertently influenced by fear thinking, reducing our ability to access fresh inspiration and visionary ideas. Third, I wondered if we all had a common understanding of the transformation process and its stages that would serve to put the other questions in their proper context.

Author Tracy Kidder writes, “. . .usually what’s missing isn’t a story. What’s missing is a broader way of thinking about what makes a good story.” Perhaps we might have started by thinking about the best way to frame a “problem,” and at what depth to begin. Perhaps the first questions might have been: What is the transformation process, how does it work, and what are we transforming into? Then, how does the state of the entertainment industry parallel the state of our own transformation? And what stage of transformation does the entertainment industry seem to be experiencing now?

(continued. . .) read the rest

    PENNEY PEIRCE is a gifted intuitive empath and rare mentor/teacher who speaks and writes with clarity, cross-cultural understanding, and deep insight. Penney synthesizes great amounts of detail, and can explain complex metaphysical, philosophical material in a personal, down-to-earth way. She is experienced in business, writing, speaking, and design thinking.




Penney-a-Day Inspirations:
7 different things each week, from inspirational quotes about intuition, frequency and dreams, to beautiful prayers and poems, to a mindfulness practice. A book's worth of material!!

Download Penney's Oracle Letters from 2010-2013 and 2013 Wisdom Letters on the homepage of her website. Much of the material in those editorials is still quite accurate.

Dream Dictionary

Check Penney's Calendar of Events


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