Penney Peirce's eNews - Mar 18, 2013

Published: Mon, 03/18/13

March 18, 2013

Upcoming Events

Wed Mar 20: Join me for the FREE New Mind-Body-Spirit Summit presented by Conscious Life News. I am the kickoff speaker, introducing the purpose and orientation of this health and consciousness telesummit, which explores the latest developments in these fields, and I talk about The Accelerating Frequency of Your Body, Mind, Feelings and Reality. All talks begin at 5pm PDT/8pm EDT

Thu Mar 21: If you're up, I'll be interviewed on "The Dr. Is In" at 6am PT, 9am ET.

Sun Apr 14: I'll be interviewed by John and Shelley Jones on The Council Fire Radio Show, on blogtalkradio, at 4pm PT/7pm ET;

May 21: My new book, Leap of Perception: The Transforming Power of Your Attention, will be available!

May 23-26: I'll speak at the Sun Valley Wellness Festival, Sun Valley, ID

June 7-9: Join me for the first training on my new book, at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY

June 10-13: I'll be at Circles of Wisdom in Andover, MA

Penney's Wisdom Letter #2
Download the 3-page pdf

The other night I had a disturbing dream that woke me. I was in a house, at the base of a staircase that wound up through several floors. I could see that way above was an old man, a grandfather type, isolated in the attic, feeling depressed. He didn’t know how to escape his isolation. I wanted to go get him when suddenly my attention was drawn to the wall to my left. I began to see into the wall and realized it was really like a computer screen; it was receiving images from something akin to the Internet and it was also sending information from within the house.

The creepiness of this impacted me first, making me feel that Big Brother was watching, that there was no such thing as privacy, and that the amount of real, underlying interaction of data sources with other data sources was overwhelming. There was a strange sense that “you can’t even count on the physical world being physical anymore!” I couldn’t process the impact of “seeing through” to this underlying reality. And I jumped out of the dream.

Later I meditated on it and this is what came to me: The old man stuck in the attic represents our old way of perceiving reality, the linear perception that keeps us feeling separate from each other—which is, in effect, becoming the kind of relic we might store in the attic. I wanted to help free him from his isolation, to help him merge into the newer perception that is spherical and holographic. But I myself had to first immerse in it and not be afraid of being overwhelmed by the fact that knowing anything/everything in the present moment is becoming normal.

What Ideas Are We Assimilating Unconsciously?
This theme of “seeing through” ordinary reality is knocking on my door in various ways. For instance, I’ve been noticing television ads lately—really “hearing into” them. One ad says: “A truly unlimited life means truly unlimited data.” I wonder how much the general public actually believes this. To me, a truly unlimited life means truly unlimited perception, which is a function of being centered and accessing one’s own soul, not faster internet speeds and more gigabytes of data.

(continued. . .) read the rest

Penney's 2013 Oracle Letter
Download the 4-page pdf

Frequency Is Now an Audiobook!
Read by Laural Merlington

ISBN 978-1-4526-0964-5
(Tantor Audio 2012)

Go to TantorGo to audible.comGo to amazonGo to B&N

Get the Free Frequency Audio Downloads!
Download the mp3 Files

    PENNEY PEIRCE is a gifted intuitive empath and rare mentor/teacher who speaks and writes with clarity, cross-cultural understanding, and deep insight. Penney synthesizes great amounts of detail, and can explain complex metaphysical, philosophical material in a personal, down-to-earth way. She is experienced in business, writing, speaking, and design thinking.




Penney-a-Day Inspirations:
7 different things each week, from inspirational quotes about intuition, frequency and dreams, to beautiful prayers and poems, to a mindfulness practice. A book's worth of material!!

Download Penney's Oracle Letters from 2010-2012 on the homepage of her website. Much of the material in those editorials is still quite accurate.

Dream Dictionary

Check Penney's Calendar of Events


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