Penney Peirce's eNews - May 12, 2013

Published: Sun, 05/12/13

May 12, 2013



Upcoming Events

Tu May 21: My new book, LEAP OF PERCEPTION: THE TRANSFORMING POWER OF YOUR ATTENTION will ship! Read excerpts and order at

Tu May 21: I'll do 2 hours of interviews with Henrik Palmgren from Red Ice Creations Radio, in Sweden. You can listen at

May 28 & 31: Radio Interview with Miriam Knight of New Consciousness Review, broadcast Tu and Fri, at or

May 23-26: I'll speak at the Sun Valley Wellness Festival, Sun Valley, ID

Jun 7-9: Join me for the first training on my new book, at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY

Jun 10-13: I'll be at Circles of Wisdom Center in Andover, MA doing in-person readings and 2 evening mini-workshops.

Jun 19: From Corporate to Creative podcast, with host Kelly Galea on; we'll explore the power of personal vibration in making the transition to your destiny's work.

Jun 22-Jul 5: I'll be in Denver, speaking at INATS (Intl New Age Trade Show) Sun 6/23. I'll be doing some in-person life readings in Aurora and Broomfield. Please contact me via my website for appointments.

Jul 3: From Corporate to Creative podcast, with host Kelly Galea, 9am PT, noon ET, on; we'll explore the leap of perception needed in making the transition to your destiny's work.

Early August: I plan to move to Florida. Open to all networking with people in that neck of the woods!! Let me know if you know people!

Penney's Wisdom Letter #3
Mobility and Freedom
Download the 3-page pdf

The Year Begins with the Feeling of a Full Stomach
Looking back over the year so far, I have the thought that the supposedly magical 12/12/12 time of last year was really the last gasp of linear thinking. Past and future have been absorbed into the Now. We are registering this, letting its truth sink in and be demonstrated. That’s why the year has such a sense of fullness. Everything is in the present moment and I cannot project away from it, cannot escape it. Life feels like a woman in the last stages of pregnancy.

Energy builds, wants release, yet earlier this year I experienced flatness, like life was happening on a screen. In fact I was watching more television than ever before—on my new big flat screen HDTV where the people are the same size as I am—and well into the night, sometimes not sleeping at all, then sleepwalking through the next day. I was treading water, being housebound and isolated.

“Something is brewing,” I said to friends; “I can’t see my own path ahead.” Me, who is supposed to be clairvoyant, couldn’t see for myself. Moments flashed periodically when I saw my personality (little me) saying these things, feeling helpless and sometimes stuck, pretending to be blind, and sometimes just talking to encourage my own patience and presence, or to fill the time of being-with-waiting. Simultaneously I felt my soul (Big Me) moving conditions into synchrony and place, readying me for change.

I was cleaning out closets, drawers, shelves, and file folders, making “space.” The opposite of nest-building. The birds in my yard were just building their nests.

Spring Equinox, Mar 20: Pressures Release
I wrote in my equinox newsletter, “The other day, walking took on a strange tactile oddness; it was as though I were pushing forward into a field of energy that had a different frequency and the ‘skin of it’ was springy. It was repelling me, surrounding me in a kind of slow dullness, making me feel that I didn’t want to do anything.

“When I pulled my wits together and focused into the moment to see what was really happening underneath—to ‘see through’ the external symptoms—I realized that I needed to adjust my own vibration to a level that matched the new frequency around me. When I did, my experience of moving around felt smooth and slippery, like shooting down a greased sliding board.

“It occurs to me that the equinoxes—when day and night, and dark and light, and perhaps even physical and nonphysical realities are equal—may be very effective times to focus on ‘seeing through.’ At these times it may be easiest to access the inner realms because the frequency is closest to that of the outer realms.”

What I didn’t realize was that the thin veil between the worlds on the equinox was also a time of energy balancing. On this day, my landlord informed me they had decided to sell the house I’ve been in for the past 25 years. All six of my books have been written here. It was the news that brought reality to what I’d been sensing. Energy had been dammed up in me—more predominant, it seemed, in the nonphysical world than the physical—because I knew something in my right brain and body that had not yet become conscious and real; I knew semi-consciously. Energy wanted to move, but couldn’t until the words were spoken.

(continued. . .) read the rest

    PENNEY PEIRCE is a gifted intuitive empath and rare mentor/teacher who speaks and writes with clarity, cross-cultural understanding, and deep insight. Penney synthesizes great amounts of detail, and can explain complex metaphysical, philosophical material in a personal, down-to-earth way. She is experienced in business, writing, speaking, and design thinking.




Penney-a-Day Inspirations:
7 different things each week, from inspirational quotes about intuition, frequency and dreams, to beautiful prayers and poems, to a mindfulness practice. A book's worth of material!!

Download Penney's Oracle Letters from 2010-2013 and 2013 Wisdom Letters on the homepage of her website. Much of the material in those editorials is still quite accurate.

Dream Dictionary

Check Penney's Calendar of Events


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