Focus on Intuition - June 15, 2017

Published: Thu, 06/15/17

Penney Peirce's Transformation Newsletter: Focus on Intuition!
Penney Peirce is a gifted clairvoyant empath, visionary, author, lecturer, and trainer. She is a pioneer in the intuition development movement, specializing in transformation, inner energy dynamics, expanded perception, and dream work. She has worked throughout the US, Europe, Japan, South America, and South Africa since 1977, coaching business and government leaders, psychologists, scientists, celebrities, and those on a spiritual path about the hidden dynamics of what makes for true success.
Intuition Igniter!
When you woke up this morning, did your mind immediately start making lists and worrying about how much you would get done today? Do you ever feel like you’re not smart or fast enough to gather and digest all the data you should to do a good job? Is your mind a petty tyrant that needs to control the people and environment around you to feel some semblance of serenity and self?
    We’re so used to living by the wiles of our logical left brain that we’ve come to accept these stress-filled conditions as normal. Today we need a simple way to get direct, inspired, accurate answers to pressing problems. We don’t have time to wade through all the websites, magazine articles, television documentaries, and webinar lectures. We don’t need more external references and stimuli—we need fewer.
     We need to learn to come back home, into the place of inner knowing. Imagine what would happen if we gave up our compulsion to devour information and instead just let the intuitive process work, if we simply trusted our first impressions and acted from a deep sense of comfort and harmony.
    Operating this way, perhaps we’d learn that what we needed to know would simply come to us. Whoever was supposed to do the task would be the first to do it. If we trusted the process, we’d stop protesting life’s unruliness and unfairness! Try this to shift to your right brain. . .


Let your mind feel relaxed, like a loose muscle, and clear any images or thoughts. Then wait for a new image to appear. Take the first one you get. Let that image turn into something else; take the next image that appears. Let that one turn into yet another. Maybe your first image is: a ladder. That turns into a giraffe, which turns into a tree, which turns into a green balloon, which turns into a parrot flying in the sky, which turns into a paperclip, which turns into a tiny whirlwind scooting across your desk. . . Keep going, entertaining yourself, keeping the process fluid and animated, like a living cartoon, for 5 minutes. Now turn your attention to doing a task or taking an action.
Intuition Intensive/Immersion in Copenhagen, Denmark
Aug 18-20, 2017
Learn to read your body, other people, and the energy field around you. Access accurate answers from your right brain and from preverbal “energy information.” Shift into your intuition at will and “feel into” things more and more deeply. You can cultivate fluidity and the ability to recognize and clear even the most subtle blocks to your own flow of talent, wisdom, and love. You can learn to trust yourself. [email protected] and download the flyer here.