Penney Peirce's Transformation eNews - March 22, 2017

Published: Wed, 03/22/17

Penney Peirce's Transformation eNews
Penney Peirce is a gifted clairvoyant empath, visionary, author, and popular lecturer and trainer. She is one of the early pioneers in the intuition development movement, now specializing in inner energy dynamics, expanded perception, transformation, and dreamwork. She has worked throughout the US, Europe, Japan, and South Africa since 1977, coaching business and government leaders, psychologists, scientists, celebrities, and those on a spiritual path about the hidden dynamics of what makes for true success.
Penney is finishing the last edit on her new book, which launches 10/10/17!
More information
to come soon.
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Each step of the transformation process naturally flows into the next and at each stage, you have a choice. You can resist and contract, stopping or slowing the flow to try to keep things at the old comfort level, which only stalls your progress, damming the river and creating more pressure and agitation. Or, you can trust that a higher sanity is directing the flow, that it's just right for you, and surrender to having the experiences you need.

If you allow the higher energy to flow through you and deal patiently and lovingly with the situations that arise, you learn you can't avoid polarities you don't like, but must allow every option to be part of life. You embrace the concept of 'mirroring,' where what's in me is also in you in some way, and vice versa. You learn to own both sides of any polarity, feel how they feed each other supportively, and how you receive energy and information from the parts of yourself you've previously rejected.

from Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration
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