A New Chapter

Published: Mon, 01/19/15

Hey !

How are things? Sorry it's been so long since my last message. I spend so much time writing out all of my thoughts on the blog, usually there's not much else to say afterward. Oh, and I also want to apologize if the last message you got was some nonsensical rant from over a year ago. I didn't realize that was going out to every new subscriber.

Anyway, enough with the apologies. I'm messaging you now because I'm excited - excited for what is to come. Production for Forge War is complete and it is being load up on pallets and shipped off to the far corners of the world as we speak. People could start getting their games in as little as a month, and I can't wait to hear what everyone thinks!

I've also started a new series of blogs on my website about the development of my newest game. I'm currently calling it "Haven," which is a title I like a lot, but it might be a little too generic, honestly. You've got that Euro game "New Haven," plus there was that Kickstarter a while back for "Haven: Titan Command." It didn't fund and the BGG page looks pretty defunct, but still. I also like "Soulhaven," but I'm still not sure...

Anyway, I spend too much time thinking about titles. You see, the thing is that you've got to have a catchy title, and some catchy artwork, and then everything else becomes much easier. Well, not everything, you've still gotta spend the same amount of time developing the hell out of the game, but at least getting people to pay attention to you becomes easier.

I'm still talking about titles aren't I? The point is, I should be finished with the blog series around the time that Forge War releases, which seems like a pretty good time to announce a new game, so that's something to look forward to. You can read about it now on the blog, but the gist is that the game is a dungeon crawler with a persistent world and over-arching story - kind of like Descent. But the game play mechanics are much more inspired by cooperative Euro games rather than combative dice-chuckers. In fact, there are no dice at all. (Have I ever told you how much I hate dice?)

Oh, did you know that I am also working on another game? I'm not even going to tell you the title because that is a whole other discussion, but I am always looking for new play testers for it. It is a deck-building area control game about heroes traveling the countryside, performing great deeds in order to become as famous as possible. Please send me an e-mail if play testing is something you'd be interested in! ([email protected])

Well, this message ended up being a lot of words. I won't apologize for it, though, because we're done with apologies. Remember that you can always find more words written by me on my website, updated every Tuesday.

Until next time!


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