The Adventure Begins

Published: Wed, 09/02/15

Hey !

I am so excited to tell you that the Kickstarter for Gloomhaven is live!

It went live just a few minutes ago, so I don't have much of a gauge for how well it is doing yet. I guess you'll just have to head on over and see for yourself!
This last month has been a non-stop crazy-fest getting ready for this beast. I know I complained in the last letter about how many cards I had to cut out, but that was nothing compared to having to cut out an additional 3 copies for my reviewers. Everything was so last-minute with the art and design that I couldn't wait for a professional printer to do the cards for me. There were many sleepless nights to say the least.
But in the end, we triumphed. The reviewers seem to be pretty dang excited about it. You can watch Rahdo's raving final thoughts here.

I think the project just might do well. I have to tell myself that, anyway, given the ridiculous amount of work I've put into it so far.

Either way, though, the Kickstarter has finally, irrevocably arrived. My baby is out in the world. Support it if you are so inclined, but be gentle. Hopefully in a month I'll write you another letter telling you all about its numerous successes, just like one of those proud, annoying parents.

Except I hope it won't be annoying.

There is perhaps one other thing to address this month. Remember how I assured you I would be going to Essen so that we could hang out? Well, I ended up having to cancel due to some timing issues with the Kickstarter and the second printing of Forge War. It just didn't end up working out like I had hoped and I am pretty disappointed as a result. I'm sorry if I disappointed you as well.

But let's talk about happy things! Did you know the Kickstarter is live? Oh, I already mentioned that? Sorry, that's about all I'll be capable of thinking about for the next month. It is probably best to just smile, nod and back away.

Until next time!