A Cause for Celebration

Published: Mon, 10/05/15

Hey !

Well, this last month has certainly been an event. If you weren't aware (and I'm pretty sure you were), Gloomhaven went live on Kickstarter a month ago and promptly consumed all time, space and light around it.

At least from my perspective. Nothing really happened last month except THE GLOOMHAVEN KICKSTARTER. It ended up doing pretty well.
Here are some stats for you, just because the unmitigated success never ceases to amaze me.
  • 4904 backers pledged $386,104
  • Over 550% of the initial $70,000 goal
  • Over 350% of Forge War's final total of $105,965
  • Over 3000 more backers than the Forge War project
I hope this doesn't sound like bragging. I'm just so happy that we pulled this off and now I get to finish making this awesome game as good as it can possibly be.

I am dreading the day I have to sit down and kill all those skeletons, though. It took something like 4 hours to do the cellar rat video for Forge War, and we've got about 3 times the backers on this project. I don't...I can't even...let's not think about it.

What does this mean for Cephalofair Games moving forward, though? Well, simply put, it means I get to keep doing what I'm doing, which is the best possible outcome. I started making games because I was getting really tired of working in physics, and Gloomhaven's success means that I am justified to continue working in this field instead of getting a real job.

So there's a lot of cool stuff on the horizon. We've got the nameless area control deckbuilder that was nearly brought to completion a year ago before I started working on Gloomhaven in earnest. We've got a sci-fi worker placement game that is kicking and screaming to get out of my head and onto a board. Plus everyone can't seem to stop asking for Gloomhaven expansions, despite being 8 months out from even playing the original game.

It's an exciting time, but obviously those are thoughts for the future. We need to put Gloomhaven to bed first and that is going to be quite a large undertaking. There is still a lot to do, but we've got a few months to do it. After that, I'll take some time to contemplate what's next.

Also, just because I find them interesting, here are some links to various podcasts I was on this last month. They're mostly about Gloomhaven, but you'll find plenty of personal insight into my life, as well, if you are at all into that:
And lastly, I will be at BGG Con in November and I'd love to hang out with you while I'm there. No canceling on this one - I am definitely going!

Oh, oh, and if you somehow missed the Gloomhaven Kickstarter, you can still pre-order the game through this link. You'll get the exact same game as the Kickstarter backers at the exact same price delivered at the exact same time!

All right, wish me luck with finishing the creation of Gloomhaven! Until next time!