The Ground Floor

Published: Wed, 09/25/13

A momentus event!

You are a party to the very first Cephalofair Games newsletter, since there are now enough subscribers to justify writing one! This is, like, the ground floor.

So, first of all, if you're looking to get all the information you possibly can on Forge War, I would direct you to a 4-part  post outlining all the various ins and outs of that beast. I'll be the first to admit that taken together the posts can be a little long and dry, but they're chocked full of interesting information.

The short of the posts is that the digital version of Forge War will be coming out Oct. 1 and the actual Kickstarter is going down in early November. BOOM! (Imagine I am dropping my fist onto a table and then waggling my fingers to illustrate shrapnel in a gesticulation of pure power and awesomeness.)

For some lighter fare, I also wrote up a couple reviews on Robinson Crusoe and Space Cadets: Dice Duel.

But anyway, are you excited? I'm excited. I was supposed to be writing a paper for a scientific journal today but instead did a whole big mess of coding. The digital version is so close to being finished, you guys, and it's gonna be great.

Thanks for your support!