A Digital Foundation

Published: Mon, 10/07/13

Digital Forge War is live!

Hey guys! I am happy to announce that the online version of Forge War is up and running on the site. This is big-time super-awesomeness right here.

If you haven't played it before or have and want a convenient way to play it some more, I recommend going and checking it out.

I put it up on the site Friday and it was a bit of a rocky start, but by the end of the weekend I smoothed out the major issues and added the ability to play the simple version of the game. There's still no chat functions, so you'll probably want to play with someone you can communicate with through other means, but other than that, it's pretty legit!

So, phase one of the master plan is now in motion, guys! The goal now is to get as much feedback as I can on both the mechanics of the game and bugs in the digital version before a wider marketing campaign begins to bring more people to the site. The best way you can help (if you're into that sort of thing) is to just check out the game and give me your feedback, and also tell other people you think might be interested in checking it out.

Oh, and I also reviewed WIlliam Attia's new game, Spyrium, a little while ago. This game is 100% good stuff. Like, easily the best new game I've played this year (well...this or Terra Mystica). You really should check it out if you get the chance.
