An End to the Lull

Published: Mon, 01/13/14


These last few months have not really been well-spent. I'll just get that out there. A while back, I decided I was never going to get my PhD if I spent so much energy getting Forge War ready for a Kickstarter launch, so I put the whole project on hold to divert the energy I was putting into it into graduating in December.

Instead I mostly just played a lot of video games. And now, months later, I find myself in a similar boat. I'd really like to get this Kickstarter of the ground, but I'd also like to defend my thesis by the beginning of March. In fact, I kind of need to defend my thesis by the beginning of March. So that's happening. It hasn't all been wasted time and it's mostly finished at this point, but it is still so frustrating thinking these major life events will be happening soon, and then months later, they are still in that same spot on the horizon. It almost feels like my entire life for the last two or so years has been in this horrendous holding pattern of non-graduation and unrealized creative projects.

And I'm sorry if this is a bit of a downer for an e-mail update, but the thing is - things are going to change very soon. For realsies this time. One way or another, we're going to break this holding pattern and shoot for that horizon. And it will be GLORIOUS.

Thanks for all of your support and look forward to exciting things in the near future!
