Mass times velocity

Published: Mon, 02/03/14

Hey there!

The glorious times are close, guys. I'm waiting on some of the priority graphic design (the cards and the board, mainly), and then review copies will start getting sent out to coincide with a LAUNCH. WOO.

While I am hesitant to ask directly for your help, if you wanted to help, well there are a couple things I can think of. I'd say my main priority is building awareness of the digital game on BoardGameGeek. I feel as though the game could always use more testing - particularly blind testing (testing without me there to explain the rules), which is mainly what the digital game was designed for - and BGG seems to be the ideal place to attract testers.

I created a forum thread a while ago trying to get the word out, and have been trying to keep it alive ever since, but it still hasn't taken off in terms of visibility and exposure. If you wanted to head over there and give it a bump or even a thumb or two, well, I wouldn't complain.

Also, of course, any feedback you want to offer on the game is always most welcome.

Anyway, I was going to write about some design ideas and implementations I had recently that I thought were pretty exciting, but it might end up getting wordy, and this message is getting long enough as it is, so I think I'll just write a whole blog post about it and you can look for that in the next day or so.

And one last thing! You should check out Glass Road if you get the chance. It's been getting okay reviews, but I think it is a masterpiece of design - incredible depth in a very short play time. Uwe Rosenberg is my hero!
