The Next Horizon

Published: Tue, 07/22/14

Well, that was something
Yes, a great something has happened since my last letter. You are probably aware that the Kickstarter for Forge War exploded like a great, glorious firework, succeeding beyond my wildest expectations.

The greatest thing about the experience, besides being able to now share Forge War with the world, is the validation of this creative outlet for me. I discovered that if I work hard and make a great game, then the community will respond. And with that in mind, I don't intend on stopping my work any time soon.

So, yes, much still needs to be done to get Forge War out to the world, and I am working consistently on that, but all of the details on that can be found in the Kickstarter updates. What I want to talk about in this letter is what is next for Cephalofair Games. What is on that next horizon?

Sure, I've got ideas for Forge War expansions, but I think releasing an expansion directly after the base game is a little tacky. Plus I want to work on something new!

The next step in my master plan to construct an unstoppable board game empire is to work on a game based on a well-known intellectual property. It's definitely a pipe dream, but I feel like I've got a bit of board game cred now, especially if Forge War sees a timely, well received release, so we'll see what happens. 

I've got a specific IP in mind actually, but I haven't approached the owner about it all, so I'll have to keep it a secret for now. I'm not necessarily hoping to be the publisher, but just to design a game based on this IP would be a dream-come-true. But for now I am just toiling in secret - waiting and refining.

So what is the project? It is essentially an area control deck-builder, but the deck-building is very much not like anything traditional - a vague combination of Friday and Mage Knight - it essentially acts as a random number generator and timer for your turn, and it can be modified to increase that timer or get better odds for what you want to do. And everything happens on a map where you are trying to gain the most influence in different regions to score points.
There may be too many cards...

It's actually an idea I've been kicking around for over a year, always very much attached to this specific IP, so now that I have more clout, I've decided to take it back out and refine it some more. Just last week I was able to get a prototype constructed and I'm pretty happy with the results. Much more play-testing needs to be done, but I'm excited for it!

Anyway, thanks for listening to me ramble on about the future. Be well, and, as always, look forward to many more exciting things from Cephalofair Games in the future, including the release of Forge War in February! Woo!


P.S. You might also be happy to know that I will finally be scheduling my thesis defense for early September, so I can finally get that monkey off my back. Yay!