Building and Growing

Published: Tue, 09/16/14

I hope you are doing well. Everything over here is great. I just signed a contract with a manufacturer for Forge War and we're starting to send over art files, so that is wonderful to actually feel like stuff is moving forward and getting done.

I write an update every week for Forge War, though, so let's not talk about that. Let's talk about something new and exciting!

Last month I had mentioned an area-control/deck-building game I was working on and I'd like to talk about that some more. I've done some more play-testing with it with some friends and the Indianapolis Game Designers Meetup, and all of that has gone really well. I really like the game. It's great, but it's not quite there yet. It isn't elevated to "truly awesome" status.

But I think you may be able to help with that. As the game is made primarily of cards, I think it would be pretty easy to make a print-and-play of it that people can test and play around with. What I would like to do is make the print-and-play along with a questionnaire so that I can get focused feedback on specific elements that I feel need work?

Does that sound cool? I don't know, I think it sounds cool. If you're interested in testing the print-and-play of it... I just realized the game doesn't have a name yet. It will have a cool name, but that will be tied to the (potential) IP, which I would rather not reveal at this point, so we're going to give it the placeholder name of "Legend." I just decided that right now. Bam.

Okay, so, if you're interested testing the print-and-play of Legend, please send me an e-mail ([email protected]) and I will hook you up.

A caveat: right now the theme of the game is very "generic fantasy," much like Forge War. Bear with me on that and hopefully it will get much cooler.

Also, it may take me a couple days to get back to you. I'm still getting the files together.

All right, awesome! What else?

Did you know I'm working on another project? I know. I'm crazy. Forge War is getting done, but now that I'm done with my PhD (mostly), I have time, which is awesome.

Okay, so, this project is big, and I am also looking for testers for this. It is a very different sort of beast, though - tactical combat sort of thing - so what I am looking for actually is local testers for some face-to-face play-testing. Not necessarily Lafayette, Indiana, though. I am willing to do some travelling to Chicago or Indianapolis if that's where the crowd is.

The other thing about this project, which I am calling "Haven," is that I require testing over multiple sessions, preferably weekly or every other week. I don't necessarily want to use the term "legacy," since that has been getting thrown around all willy-nilly lately, but...yeah, something along those lines.

So, if you live around the Chicago/Lafayette/Indianapolis area, are interested in this project and have the time to meet on a somewhat regular basis, shoot me an e-mail about that and, depending on how many people respond and where they are, I'll try to get something organized.

Well, I think have blathered on long enough about my schemes. These are the things I am working on and excited about. Yay!
