Building Something Great

Published: Thu, 07/13/17

Hey !

It's been a couple months since my last message, and that is because things have been super-busy around here! What, with working on the Gloomhaven reprint production, attending many different conventions, and working on launching a new Kickstarter, I'm surprised I find time to sleep.

Actually, I may not have gotten any sleep last night...

But that's okay, because, wait, what was that about a new Kickstarter launching?

You may remember the original plan was to combine a Kickstarter for Founders of Gloomhaven with the reprint Kickstarter, but that turned out to be a terrible, untenable idea. Founders of Gloomhaven deserved a Kickstarter all its own, along with the proper time and care to see it executed properly.

I don't know. I did my best! It's out in the world now, so I hope it's doing well!

Some other truly awesome things have happened in the last few months as well. First of all, I had great experiences at Geekway to the West and Origins. Geekway was one of the rare occasions where my wife decided to go with me, and we had a great time playing games all weekend with all my St. Louis friends. (Well, I played games all weekend. She played about one game a day and spent the rest of the time exploring St. Louis.)

It was my first major convention since Gloomhaven had been released, so it was a bit of a surreal experience, being semi-famous. That experience intensified even further when I attended Origins last month. You can read about my experiences at Origins here, but I had an absolutely great time hanging out with my best friend from California, even if he did give me a nasty cold that made the ramp-up to this Founders Kickstarter even more grueling.

But I hope the Kickstarter is a rewarding experience! I think it is going to be very different from the last one, especially because I am sort of aiming at a different crowd. Founders is a very different game from Gloomhaven, and while there is some crossover, there is certainly no guarantee that people who love Gloomhaven will like this. All I can do is supply enough information through the project page that people can make their own informed decision.

I hope you check it out, but if not, I'll see you next month!