Off to Germany

Published: Fri, 10/20/17

Hey !

Well, the roller coaster of Cephalofair Games doesn't seem to be letting up at all as we begin fulfillment of the second Gloomhaven Kickstarter, get all the files ready to start printing Founders of Gloomhaven, begin play testing on the Gloomhaven expansion, and prepare to head off to Essen for Spiel 2017.

It's a lot to do, and it's a little disappointing I've had to throw some things to the wayside like my blog posts. I haven't written one in a while, but hopefully I'll find time in a couple weeks to write up my experiences at Essen Spiel. Last year I was a little overwhelmed when I went, but I think this time it will go much more smoothly. To be honest, I could use a little more help demoing games, though. If you're coming to Essen next week and have any interest in helping out at the booth, let me know and we'll figure something out.

Or even if you don't have time to help, I hope you'll still come by to chat, as I'd be happy to meet you. In addition to running demos, we'll also have a limited quantity of Gloomhaven for sale (though there are no pre-orders). I expect that we'll sell out on Thursday, though, so if you're interested, be sure to come by early.

I've never actually sold a physical copy of Gloomhaven at a convention before. It's so big... I hope the size is not too much of a detriment.

So yeah, copies of the second printing of Gloomhaven have started to arrive in Germany and the surrounding area, so that's exciting. I'm looking forward to the reception of the game from such a larger audience. Though I am concerned that the sheer volume of the response may be a little overwhelming, but I am working on getting some help in that area. Hopefully I'll have more news on that in the future.

And, oh yeah, I mentioned the Gloomhaven expansion, didn't I? I've spent some time over the past month or so developing some new character classes and organizing an alpha test group to start running through a new campaign. It feels good to be working creatively on Gloomhaven content again, and I only wish I had more time to do so.

Right now we're just building the bones of the new campaign and I am happy with the internal tests. At some point in the distant future, I'll probably be looking for more play test groups, and I'll be sure to let you know about that when it happens (in case you're interested).

There's a lot of exciting new content to explore, and I wish I could share more about the expansion with you, but it is so preliminary at this point, I really better not. I gotta exercise some restraint here.

I guess there was a bit of a lull in my schedule about a month ago when copies of Gloomhaven hadn't started rolling in, and I wasn't thinking about Essen. I spent some time playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which was pretty great. But now it is right back to being overwhelmed.

I'll get through it, though, and then I'll talk to you again on the other side!