A Party of Adventurers

Published: Mon, 02/19/18

Hey !

I have big news! I'm throwing a party!

Okay, sure, I told you that in my last letter, too, but now it is actually happening in reality and there is a time and a place and everything. Thanks for all your responses in the last letter. They helped me realize that more people would likely show up than I would have otherwise suspected, so I went and found a new venue that could hold more people, and now I am super-excited about it!

The venue is still limited on space, though, so I've set up an Eventbrite page that people need to RSVP on. If you are planning on coming, please RSVP for as many tickets (which are free) as people in your group. And if you aren't planning on coming, well, don't RSVP. (That part was probably obvious, though.)

The party will be on March 31, from 2-10pm, at the Lafayette Brewing Company. Here is the RSVP link:

This is me celebrating at my wedding (many years ago). The party will be like this, except without the dancing or the boombox.

Oh, and for the time being, please don't publicly post the event link anywhere. I will be announcing it on BGG later this week, but I'd like to give everyone who receives my letters a decent chance to RSVP before the space fills up. (Feel free to still invite your friends, though!)

Could this become a yearly thing? CephaloCon? IsaaCon? GloomCon? Who knows? For now, we'll just see how it goes and move forward from there. Plus, I have enough conventions to go to over the next few months without planning an official one of my own. Yeah, for now we'll just keep calling it a party.

Speaking of conventions, though, did you know Gloomhaven was nominated for SXSW Tabletop Game of the Year? This is pretty big because SXSW is a huge event that covers the entire cultural landscape. It would be pretty awesome to be recognized by the larger entertainment community. Plus my wife and I are going to the ceremony, and we'll be wearing fancy clothes, and it would be really great to get up on a stage in a fancy suit and give a speech like I actually did win an Oscar or something.

If you'd like to help me realize this goal that I didn't even know I had until right now, you can vote for Gloomhaven here (it's down near the bottom of the page).

In other news, well, umm, I'm continuing to work on secret projects. We just had our latest play test session of [REDACTED] yesterday, where we tried out [REDACTED], the [REDACTED] and the [REDACTED], and some new [REDACTED], including [REDACTED], the mascot from [REDACTED], my [REDACTED]. I've been wanting to [REDACTED] since before [REDACTED] was even [REDACTED], and [REDACTED] finally [REDACTED]. The whole thing was great!

Phew! It's hard keep secrets. I'm so glad I got that off my chest.

See you next month! (In person, I hope!)