Dominating the Skyline

Published: Mon, 12/07/15

Hey !

I have torn myself away from the development of Gloomhaven to let you know what's been going on over here for the past couple months. I've had a lot of ups and downs, but they've mostly been on a personal, smaller scale.

Really, the looming presence of Gloomhaven dominates my vision and is taking every single spare second of work time. I'd love to finish it and work on something else, but there is still so much to do. It's around this point in the project when I start wondering if it will ever get done.

The good news is that I am having a lot of fun with the development process. For the past couple days I've been working on character-specific events, which, well, are difficult to explain succinctly, but I think they are adding a lot of depth and cool surprises to the world of Gloomhaven.

Basically, the more work I do for this game, the more excited I become about how it is going to just blow everyone away with it's unique brand of awesomeness.

If you want more info on the trials and tribulations of developing Gloomhaven, there is tons of info and cool images in the weekly project updates.

Other than the schedule for getting Gloomhaven out the door and into the world, the other big stuff on the horizon are the various conventions for the upcoming year. I know, Origins and GenCon are half a year away, but somehow it still feels like they're right around the corner.

I recently submitted my application for booth space at GenCon, and cross all the fingers you have that I finally get allocated a booth this year. I'd love to release Gloomhaven for retail at GenCon, but that's only going to work out if I can actually get booth space to sell the game, obviously.

I've also been roped into going in on renting a house for a week for Origins with some other guys, and I am very much looking forward to that now, as well.

I also just had a really great experience at BGG Con a couple weeks ago, so that's another reason I've got conventions on the mind. My wife even went with me and we had tons of fun playing tons of games and hanging out with tons of cool people. You can read about the experience here.

Oh, hey, and did you know that the second printing of Forge War hit the streets last month? If the economics of building weaponry and supplying adventurers on quests sounds like a nice gift idea for yourself or someone else, you should totally be able to find it now online or at your local gaming store.

Oh, and one other Gloomhaven-related bit of business: I am earnestly trying to start up play testing again to balance various advanced classes and scenarios. I know that effort sort of fell by the wayside a while ago, but if you were involved in the process before, please take the time to head over to the forums again and get involved once again. I'm using a digital implementation this time around, so there's no printing required. You can learn more about the process by reading this update.

So, yeah, it's still too early to say what's next for Cephalofair Games, but, as always, I remain excited for the future. I'm gonna get back to working on these event cards now. There is always more work to do!

And I still don't even want to think about those skeletons!