Climbing the Mountain

Published: Mon, 02/22/16

Hey !

How's it going? Oh, me, I'm still hard at work trying to get to the top of this Gloomhaven mountain. We've certainly come a long way with the game in the last year, but this final month or so of development is going to be the most important. It'll take a lot to make sure we deliver a flawless, coherent project that does the mechanics and art justice.

It's a little nerve-wracking because there are just so many ways to make mistakes on a project this big. With so many cards and so many scenarios, I just hope I'm paying my editor enough!

But enough about Gloomhaven. As always, there's plenty more information in the Kickstarter updates if you're interested.

I hope to keep this month's update short, because of, well, all the work to be done, but I did want to share a few minor things with you.

First of all, I was pleased to find out that I was able to acquire a booth for GenCon, which is a huge relief after the big hassle I went through last year with no pay-off. I don't have the specific booth number yet (it's in the Entrepreneur's Avenue), but I should soon. You should come by and say "Hello!"

In the intervening time, I'll also be attending the GAMA Trade Show (March), Geekway to the West (May) and Origins Game Fair (June), in a booth-less capacity. As always, I'd be happy to hang if you'll be around at one of these conventions. Just get in touch!

Hmm, what else? The pre-order price for Gloomhaven will be going up in a couple weeks, and the standee version will no longer be available as we move forward with production. So if you're still on the fence about it, you should act soon.

I also wanted to let you know that I've put my weekly blog on hiatus while I work to finish Gloomhaven, so don't expect much out of that in the coming month or so. But after, that, it will certainly be back!

Oh, and I have dedicated an ever-so-small amount of my time to the development of my next game, which I am pretty excited about. An official announcement probably won't happen until Gloomhaven is out the door (at least another month), but I can tell you that it is a sci-fi Euro game involving worker placement across parallel dimensions.

I really like the title What We Found There as sort of an allusion to the book Alice Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There, with a vaguely mysterious, creepy vibe. I'm a little concerned, though, that there may be some confusion with the 2013 sci-fi worker placement game What's He Building in There? so nothing is set in stone yet.

Like I said, development is not very far along at all with the game. I'll be play testing a working prototype for the first time this weekend, and I have every confidence that it will be a complete disaster. That's just the way these things go. I'll be sure to let you know the progress of the game in the coming months.

Okay, right, I said a quick update. Not exactly my specialty, but I think I've exhausted by topics of conversation, so I will leave you here.

​Until next time!