Hard at Work

Published: Mon, 08/01/16

Hey !

Well, I'm incredibly tired, and Gen Con hasn't even started yet. This doesn't bode well! I just spent the last three days packing up and moving from an apartment my wife and I have lived in for 5 years to a house a few miles away. And now I am leaving for Gen Con! It's a good thing I prepared everything for that last week.

So, yeah, my booth at Gen Con has been dominating my time for a little bit. This is the first time I've had a retail booth at a convention, so I want to be over-prepared. First of all, I'll be running demos of Gloomhaven, which should be fun, especially since we'll have painted miniatures and a 3D map board that a backer has so generously let me borrow. I'm excited to see how awesome it will look!

The other thing we'll be doing at the booth, in partnership with Stonemaier Games, is selling lots and lots of copies of Scythe. Seeing as how it is one of three games incredibly hot games debuting at Gen Con this year, I'm a little scared, but, like I said, we are over-preparing for the rush.

I will admit that I am a little jealous of all the big games being talked about at Gen Con. Gloomhaven was supposed to be out by now, and it was supposed to be one of those big names. So there's some disappointment there, but I can be patient. Gloomhaven will have it's time in the sun.​​​​​​​

So what else is happening? I mentioned last time that I was working on a new game, and that work continues, when I find the time. I've been chronicling the journey on my website, but, in a nutshell, it has been a lot of work turning an idea I know is good into a great game. I'm still a long way off, but progress is being made.

If you're coming to Gen Con, please come by the booth and say, "Hi!" It is #2963 at the back of the Entrepreneur's Avenue. Play some Gloomhaven, buy some Scythe, buy some Forge War, and also say, "Hi," to Brandon from the Brawling Brothers, who so graciously agreed to work at the booth all weekend with me.

Fun times are ahead and I'm excited!​​​​​​​