Founding a New Game

Published: Tue, 11/22/16

Hey !

Well, convention season is finally over, and its passing will be mourned. In the last two months since we've talked, I went to Essen Spiel. which was a crazy, exhausting experience, and I just got back from BGG Con, which was an absolute blast! You can read a full report of my experience with Essen on my website here, and I just posted my impressions of BGG Con here.

I will just say, though, that my absolute favorite part of a convention is being approached by fans who want to say "Hi" and tell me how much they are looking forward to Gloomhaven. It's just so good to know that my work is going to make so many people happy! And it's even better if I have time to sit down and play a game with them.

With all that behind us, though, the big thing on the horizon (other than Gloomhaven being released) is my new Euro game, Founders of Gloomhaven! The entry on Board Game Geek just went up today, and I'm showing off the official box cover, which I'm in love with:
You can click on the image to get to a higher resolution version on Board Game Geek. You can also find a full description of the game there, and I hope there will be lots of discussion leading up to a Kickstarter in February!

Of course, the timing of the Kickstarter is dependent on the delivery of Gloomhaven. I want all copies to be delivered and have all the smoke clear.

Then I might take a vacation.

And then I might launch a new Kickstarter. Perhaps February is a tad ambitious, but I would also like to get the game released by Gen Con. It's a smaller Euro game, and I really want to have a fast turn-around time to make up for this current 1.5-year nightmare trying to create and manufacture a 20-pound monster of a game.

Even though I haven't written in two months, it seems that in that time it has pretty much just been more of the same: work on Founders of Gloomhaven, work on additional content for Gloomhaven, go to conventions. It's been great, but there's not much more to say.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, and, with any luck, Gloomhaven will be a real live thing very soon. Until next time!