Mounting Anticipation

Published: Mon, 01/09/17

Hey !

Happy New Year! I hope that 2016 was a great year of gaming for you, and I hope it continues in 2017. I know 2016 went well for me, despite all those Gloomhaven delays. I went to a lot of great conventions, met a lot of amazing people, and played a lot of awesome games.

The best is yet to come, though! The release of Gloomhaven is right there on the horizon and I, for one, cannot wait! I know a lot of people out there are going crazy with anticipation, but I can't imagine their feelings could compare with my own. The prospect of my baby going out into the world and making a name for itself, well, I am just beside myself.

It has already landed in a few reviewers hands, and the reaction thus far has been overwhelmingly positive. I think a lot of people may have been a little suspicious about whether it could deliver on all its promises, but early indicators seem to show that it can, so that is incredibly satisfying. I'm sure there will be people out there who won't like it, because there always are, but why worry about them when it is going to make countless more people flip their lid with happiness?
But enough about Gloomhaven! As you can see above, we've been continuing to work on art and graphic design for Founders of Gloomhaven. These are some of the 1"x1" tiles that represent various starting resources. I'm still in a "wait and see" mode about whether it will be ready for Kickstarter by the end of February and whether the smoke will have cleared on Gloomhaven by then, but that's still the tentative schedule.

Otherwise, it has just been a lazy month of holidays here in Indiana. I managed to play a good amount of video games, name Baldur's Gate and The Binding of Isaac, along with a little Life is Strange with my wife.

I have a feeling that life around here is about to get a little more hectic, though. Here's to hoping that 2017 goes even better! Until next time!