Last Call to Join the JD Refugee Class & Get a Special Bonus

Published: Sun, 10/03/21

This is just a friendly (and FINAL) reminder that the special enrollment offer for the JD Refugee group program expires at midnight Pacific Time tonight.
Hi ,

This is just a friendly (and FINAL) reminder that the special enrollment offer for the JD Refugee group program expires at midnight Pacific Time tonight.
After midnight, the doors will be closing and will not reopen for the foreseeable future.
If you're still trying to decide whether to invest in the JD Refugee® program...
...I want to share a thought that might help you decide.
Most people fall between two decision-making extremes: deciding too quickly, or deciding too late.
If you make decisions more quickly, that's great. Sure, you have to adjust sometimes and occasionally backtrack. But at least you take action, which means you’re moving forward.
Lawyers, however, tend to be very deliberative. It’s part of what makes us great lawyers. In fact, many of my clients tell me they stalked my content for years before taking action!

If you're the type who takes more time to deliberate and make decisions, that's great, too. It means you won't act recklessly.
But sometimes, you can deliberate endlessly in search of the "perfect" decision.
The fear of making a mistake or a misstep could keep you from moving forward and cause you to miss out on opportunities that may pass you by.
If you're wanting to get to a happier, more fulfilling professional situation, but endless deliberation (fear) is standing in the way of your decision-making, keep this in mind:
Most decisions can be undone.
That includes this decision, which can be undone if it doesn't work out.
That's because you're protected by my 30-day money back guarantee policy. If within 30 days of the program starting, you feel like the class isn’t a good fit and you don’t see how it can help you find a more fulfilling career, simply email me.
I will refund your investment if you have completed and submitted to me the homework listed in the suggested syllabus, participated in the welcome call with me and at least one group call, and completed a refund questionnaire. After review, I will promptly refund your investment minus credit card processing fees (approximately 3%).
I stand by the JD Refugee® program 100% and have never had a client request a refund.
So you have nothing to lose by moving forward.
When you register for the JD Refugee class today you will:
•    Get immediate access to the first videos and exercise-filled workbook so you can get started on the class.
•    Receive a welcome call from me to give you the lay of the land for the program.
•    Get an invitation to the next group call where you’ll meet like-minded lawyers looking for a better path.
•    Get access to the online content and biweekly group calls led by me for 9 months.
•    Have your confidentiality honored and respected (including on the group calls).
•    Get access to the JDCOT Career Video Library bonus and the Resume Builder Video Tutorial bonus.
•    Get your bonus Myers-Briggs MBTI® personality assessment and private coaching call with me so we can use your personality preferences to inform your choice of career paths.
•    Have the reassurance that you’re moving forward with no risk thanks to the 30-day money back guarantee.  
The truth is, you will never know if a decision is good or bad until you actually commit to making it happen. It really takes seeing the possibilities and opportunities that the decision brings.
Remember, if you were comfortable with the status quo, you probably would never have visited my website or opened an email from me.
But since you’re here, you likely want to see something change. If you're ready to get started, click the link below:
Click here to enroll in the JD Refugee class today before midnight PT.
I've shared success stories in previous emails to show you this program works if you show up and put in the effort.
It all starts with being an action-taker and not letting another day go by where you’re frustrated, feeling stuck, and wondering whether something better might be out there.
Are you ready to commit to yourself and move beyond the status quo?
If so, then make the decision to join the JD Refugee® group program tonight.
Enrollment closes in a few hours at 11:59 pm Pacific.
I look forward to helping you,
Marc Luber