Warning! Do you really want revival?

Published: Thu, 04/27/23

Sessions Include:

The Normal Christian Life
Revelation 2.1 - 5

Lesson #2
What Is Revival?
Why We Need Revival
Psalm 85 / Isaiah 6

Lesson #3
People Tend to Depart God’s Plumb Line
Deut. 30.11 – 16; Jer 2.5 - 13          

Lesson #4
The Biblical Record of Revival
Biblical Foundations for Revival
God’s Pattern for Revival  

Lesson #5
God Disciplines His People
God’s People Cry Out in Repentance    

Lesson #6
Responding to Revival
Great Awakenings: The Fruit of Revival
The Role of Prayer in Revival
Corporate Hindrances to Revival

Lesson #7
Worship and Revival
Counterfeits to Revival

Lesson #8
Why Revival Tarries: Preparing for Revival
Becoming a Catalyst for Revival
Maintaining Revival





Whenever God speaks, it is never merely for observation or discussion. It is always intended for obedience. God does not make suggestions. He speaks commands. Do you want God to speak to you, your family, and your church? Then be prepared to obey Him. To hear the Creator of the universe communicate with you and then refuse to do what He says is an unmitigated offense. He is your Lord. Christ is Head of the church. He is the sovereign Ruler of the universe. He has every right to ask you whatever He pleases.

Do not read this book unless you mean business with God. If the Holy Spirit takes Scripture and brings you face-to-face with God, you are accountable to respond to what you read. When you hear from God, you must either reject Him or obey Him. To sin in ignorance is one thing, but God holds people accountable who sin with knowledge of the truth (2 Pet. 2:20-21). Jesus asked His followers this troubling question: “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46).

If you choose to study this material, you will learn what God requires of His people. Then you will face a choice: to do as He says or to carry on business as usual. Be careful to count both costs. Don't merely evaluate the price to obey what God tells you. Be sure to consider the profound loss in not returning to Him. What will it mean to your family or your church if you refuse to follow God's directions? What will happen if you fail to do what He says? Moses warned God's people that the Word of God “is not a futile thing for you, because it is your life” (Deut. 32:47).


Blackaby, Henry T., Claude V. King, Richard Blackaby, and Anne Graham Lotz. 2009. Fresh Encounter: God’s Plan for Your Spiritual Awakening Revised. Nashville, TN: B&H Books.





We have just released a new Bible Study based on Henry Blackaby's book amazing book, Fresh Enounter These lessons are available on Amazon, as well as a part of Good Questions Have Groups Talking Subscription Service. Like Netflix for Bible Lessons, one low subscription gives you access to all our lessons--thousands of them. For a medium-sized church, lessons are as little as $10 per teacher per year.


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