New Moon in Cancer and Venus Retrograde

Published: Fri, 07/14/23

The July new moon on the 17th is at 25 degrees of Cancer with Venus at the midway point between Pluto and Neptune. This new moon is all about tapping into the dream of your beautiful life and allowing for the emergence of dedicated focus to bring it into existence. The Cancer new moon demands that we tap into our emotional body and cleanse negative emotions from our aura and energy field. It is a time of releasing and letting go first by acknowledging anything we may be holding onto that is keeping us back.

Venus is meandering in Leo during July and coming to a standstill before she goes retrograde on the 22nd at 28 degrees of Leo. Venus is in a configuration called a yod, or sometimes referred to as the finger of God. She is 5 signs away from both Pluto and Neptune. (Quincunx.) On one hand this represents the need to adjust or develop the skills of creative imagination along with deep focus towards what we desire. With Venus retrograde we can pause to consider if what we have been pursuing is still worthy of our time and effort.

The sun moves into Leo just minutes after Venus shifts retrograde, another message of listening to what brings joy to your life. There is a deep element of taking your time to mull over what you want to do, then taking a leap of faith, making a decision to change. These changes will leave your friends and family scratching their heads trying to understand why you would make that change. Not in a bad way, just in a wow, didn’t expect you to or didn’t see that one coming sort of thing.

The last weekend of July ends with Mercury, our winged messenger, returning for an extended stay until early October in his hometown of Virgo, the sign which it rules. This year Mercury is making its 3 retrogrades in the earth signs, Virgo being the second retrograde of the year. Our rethink mode is to pull in the earthy practical details needed for what we want to make happen. The 2 plus months that Mercury will be staying in Virgo will help us iron out the details of any adventure ahead. Just be ready to go back to the drawing board more than once.

Have a wonderful July.
Love & Light,

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Atlanta GA 30333

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