How Netflix Original "Naked" Is NOT Like Success Scripts

Published: Thu, 10/26/17

This morning I woke up thinking about "Naked" The Netflix Original (a modern "Groundhog's day).

It's the first light hearted, romantic comedy Jason and I have seen in a while that we thought was actually funny.

It's about a substitute English teacher, named Rob who is madly in love and about to be married to a doctor. Unfortunately, he's also naked, stuck in an elevator and caught in a time loop.

He has to get everything right from all the requests of his highly accomplished bride, with a soon to be father-in-law that thinks every man she dates is chopped liver.

Then there is the issue/mystery of who trapped him in an elevator naked trying to sabotage his wedding.

It takes Rob around 10,000 hours to figure out how to maneuver to his feet, interact with the people just as the elevator gets unstuck, find clothes that don't suck, get errands done before the wedding, get to the church on time, relate to throngs of people just outside the hotel watching a marathon, discover who is out to get him, graciously expose them while gaining the respect of the hard to please father-in-law and create his vows and learn to tango, all things he thought he'd wing on his wedding day.

==> So, here's HOW the movie Naked IS and IS NOT like Scripting For Success <==

1. It's a story focused on the prize at the end.



2. The hero has to invest 10,000 hours to change himself to win the prize



quantum leaps over the drama, immediately helping you notice conversations, opportunities, blessings, synchronicities that match the best case scenario in the script

3. The script has to focus on and plan all the steps along the journey



often times a more direct, elegant way presents itself once we co-create a mentally, emotionally, physically aligned scientifically tested Success Script that follows my proven step-by-step process.

4. The script just focuses on happily-ever-after end result


The hero has to take the journey with all the bumps, challenges and setbacks


We leave out all the drama from the past, present and future and just focus on the end result. We even bypass the inner critic who says "this isn't me yet" "it'll never work".

5. The Success Script can be tested immediately to test drive an ideal relationship, business partner, job or project opportunity, purchasing/business decision.

NO - NAKED MOVIE - No the hero has to take the inner/outer emotional/physical journey

YES - YOUR SUCCESS SCRIPT - Before countless hours of time, money and energy is invested the success script can be tested in the time it takes to read this sentence whether this decision or end result is a "Hero" or a "Zero".


Are there steps leading up to creating a happily-ever-after SCRIPT or a SUCCESS NEWS HEADLINE?


One of my favorite exercises in preparing the SUCCESS SCRIPT is the "Circle Map".

Draw a circle on the page.

On the inside write all the qualities of your ideal vision of a specific area of your life.

On the outside write all the things that already support that ideal situation/life.

You can download the template here:

(My site is a little slow, but safe, so just be patient.)

Then we take the circle map in one of our private or group phone calls or forums and create a SUCCESS SCRIPT that bypasses the inner critic, (laser focuses prayer, goal setting, business plans, sales calls/meetings, vision boards, mind movies, affirmation and can be tested right away if it's a vibrational match or not quite in alignment with your focus or desires.)


Just from doing the Circle Map exercises conversations, opportunities, clarity, synchronicities show up that match what is written on the Circle Map.

(It's great for eliminating distractions and paying no mind to things that don't match the Circle Map.)

We don't do anything in Scripting For Success to fix anything, just to feel good and to get clarity to be in alignment with your highest vision of yourself.




We have 2 spots reserved and 8 more spots open for "Miracle Mondays" 7pm EST.

The link to join this mastermind is coming in a couple of days, hang tight.

In the mean time create your first of many Circle Maps and hit reply. "Ruth, I'm In".

If you are ready to get weekly mentoring and group support to quantum leap your
conversations with yourself and others and notice more:

opportunities, blessings, synchronicites, unexpected gifts and shifts of perceptions... a.k.a. "Miracles" using my insights and the easy to follow scripting process to bypass the inner critic and focus on what is already working...

==> Hit reply. "Ruth, I'm In". <===