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Published: Fri, 01/11/13

2013:"The Year Of Abundance"

I chose the theme, "The Year Of Abundance " for this year, as a representation of what I expect to see happen in my life and business in 2013. Having faith in the promises of God over your future is a key component in reaching your goals, and realizing your dreams. You have to believe that it's possible first, before you can actually see it happen. First the vision, then the faith, then the work, and then you see your dream come true. It's not always the easiest process, but it's definitely worth it. Do you have a theme for 2013? If so, I'd love to hear what it is, and why you chose it.

What are you hoping for this year? What do you need or want to happen in your life, career, or biz that needs some divine intervention to make it happen? It's time for you to activate your faith, and put it into overdrive so that this can be the year of abundance for you too!

I'm always praying for you, and asking God to meet your needs, give you the desires of your heart, and use me to be a blessing to you through my biz. I know for a fact that God answers prayer, so I believe that this is going to be an incredible year for all of us.

Take a moment today to write down your top 3 goals for the year 2013. It's okay if you have no idea how you're going to reach them, that's where God comes in. Just write these items down, then write down what some of your obstacles are in reaching these goals. Once you know what obstacles you're facing, you can devise a plan of attack to address them, and then take it to God in prayer, and let Him do the rest. Writing down your goals makes them real. Writing down your obstacles makes it easier to determine how to overcome them.

Be encouraged. Be inspired, and get ready for a great year! And remember, I'm always here to help you, so feel free to contact me anytime. 

"If you already know how to make your dream come true, then you're thinking too small." ~ Jack Canfield 

Dancing Through Life,

Ashani Mfuko
Dancerprenuer | Social Media Strategist | Speaker | Business Coach
This Week's Marketing & Branding Tip
I ran into one of our awesome clients yesterday, right before I was about to teach my Jazz class at the Joffrey Ballet School, and I was so excited when she told me what she was about to do. She was preparing to teach a private lesson via Skype, with one of her students in Canada. How cool is that?!

This is a great example of using technology to broaden and expand your brand's reach, and your income-generating possibilities. There's no need to put yourself in a box and assume that you can only do the type of work that your parents or teachers did at your age. You have a whole new world of opportunities at your fingertips. Take advantage of it!

Marketing & Branding Tip of the Week:

1. Set Up The Online Version Of Your Brand In A Way That Is Accessible To People Internationally. That means, offer options to connect with your potential customers, clients, and employers that are based strictly online, to increase your revenue-generating opportunities. As my client did, using Skype is a wonderful way to connect with your clientele who may not be in your local area, whether for private lessons, or for consultations, coaching, etc. Don't be afraid to use videos as a way of sharing your content and skills with potential clientele, as there are many ways to share videos online privately for choreography, for teaching, etc. 

2. Open A Paypal Account and Use It To Accept Payments Online. If you've read my Finance Your Dance e-book then you already know that I am all about using Paypal to accept payments, because it is the most-trusted and easiest way to do so, online. It takes just a few minutes to set up, and allows you to customize all sorts of payment buttons and options on your website or blog. Whatever business you do for your personal brand or company, you always want to make it easy, safe, and secure for your customers to pay you. Paypal is the best way to do this online.

3. Think About How You Can Use Tools Like Skype, Online Videos, and Online Payments To Grow Your Brand and Increase Your Revenue in 2013. Are you taking advantage of all of the opportunities that technology and social media have given you as a way to expand your reach internationally, and earn more money? If not, write down some ideas of ways that you can start to do this more in 2013. Need help? Just reply to this e-mail, and we can schedule a time to talk about it over the phone or via Skype. 

Remember, this is your year! It's time to take things to the next level, and try something you've never done before.

2013 is the year that you stop dreaming about it and start doing it, stop talking about it and start being about it, stop playing with it and start pursuing it. This is YOUR year!!

Where Else Can You Take An Online Marketing, Branding, Social Media, & Personal Development Course That Is Geared Specifically Towards Dance Artists?
The answer to that question of course is, NOWHERE! 

Our Finance Your Dance online workshop is so unique, and one-of-a-kind, that it is literally changing people's lives! I'm even surprised at some of the feedback that we've been getting from our students in the course. 

Remember, in 2013, going back to college or to a university is not the only way to learn and update your skills and knowledge on a given subject. This course is another great way to learn and grow professionally and personally in 2013, from the comfort of your own home, and on your own schedule. If you've never taken an online course before, you should definitely sign up for our Finance Your Dance online course. Unlike college courses, this course is extremely affordable, and probably costs the same amount that you spend on your monthly Starbucks lattes, or your manicures! :)

The course curriculum is based on the Finance Your Dance e-book, and it allows you to delve deeper into the subject matter, and gain knowledge, resources, and new skills, that will help you to increase your income/revenue, reach more people on an international level, and also build your self-confidence as a dance professional. There is no other course online like this one, that is specifically geared towards dance artists, and that addresses your unique challenges and the opportunities within those challenges.

Click on the link below to learn more and register today! Don't wait! Today could be the beginning of creating your "Year Of Abundance" in 2013. Click on the link below!

If you need one-on-one help with anything that relates to social media marketing, online branding, online video marketing, or personal development, contact me today to schedule a private coaching session. You can schedule a 15-minute, 30-minute, 45-minute, or 1-hr long session at your convenience. Simply reply to this e-mail with your question and availability, and I will get back to you asap. You can learn more about my one-one-one coaching services here,  http://www.kinerenterprises.com/blog1/2012/11/27/schedule-your-one-on-one-private-coaching-session-today/.
Have You Gotten Your Copy Of The Finance Your Dance E-Book Yet? Get Your Copy Today!
"Finance Your Dance: How To Turn Your Passion Into Profit"  is the quintessential handbook for every dancer, artist, entrepreneur, or organization to learn how to build a brand that is powerful and profitable. In this 90-page e-book, Ashani Mfuko teaches you, in a no-nonsense way, how to establish your unique presence in the marketplace, how to build a tribe of loyal fans and followers, and how to turn your passion and purpose into revenue for your brand. Whether you're an independent dancer/choreographer, or an established organization or company, you will take away a valuable plan of action to move your brand to the next level. Additionally, there is so much motivation and inspiration in this book, that while reading it, you'll become empowered to face your fears and challenges head on, and take action.  The Finance Your Dance book changes the way you think about life and business as a dance artist. It opens your eyes to potentially lethal thinking habits that will prevent you from living your dream, and teaches you how to avoid the typical life as a "starving artist". It shows you that positive change, financial stability, and prosperity is absolutely possible for you, your brand, and the arts community as a whole.