How To Keep Negative Energy Away From You

Published: Fri, 02/22/13

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
Proverbs 27:17

I'm sure that you've heard the saying, "birds of a feather, flock together". It's so true that like-minded people always have a way of finding and connecting with each other, in real life, and online. This can be good or bad, depending on what qualities a group of people have in common. Have you noticed that negative people, or people who like to gossip, always have friends who are just as negative as they are? Oh yes they do!

On the other hand, as the scripture reference says above, "as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another ." When you surround yourself with people who are positive, driven, determined, smart, faithful, and supportive, your character is strengthened by association.

I was on a teleseminar this week with one of my virtual mentors (as we haven't met in person yet), and it was a powerful experience! It was a 2-hr call, and I had tons of notes written down in Evernote afterwards, from this call. There is something powerful in interacting with, connecting with, and communicating with like-minded individuals who challenge you, inspire you, and motivate to become a better person. I hope that I'm someone who does that for you, in your life.

How To Keep Negative Energy Away From You

Be careful who you listen to. Some people have great intentions, but no real life experience to back up their opinions. Listen to those who have been where you want to go. For all the others offering unsolicited advice, just nod and smile, say thank you, and keep it moving.

Take time this weekend to really evaluate your inner circle. Are your closest friends and colleagues people who uplift, encourage, empower, inspire, and challenge you to grow? Do you have anyone around you that drains your energy, or always has something negative to say?

It's your responsibility to surround yourself with positive people, and positive energy that feeds your spirit, and helps you become all that God has created you to be. Build an inner circle of friends and colleagues that you are proud to associate with, and can count on for the encouragement and guidance that you need.

A big welcome to all of our new e-mail subscribers! 

Our mission is to improve the quality of life for dance artists, entrepreneurs, and passionate people all over the world! We want to help you create the professional success and personal happiness that you've always dreamed of, by turning your passion and purpose into a profitable, and fulfilling lifestyle. 

I'm happy and honored to serve you, and be connected with you!

Dancing Through Life,

Ashani Mfuko
Dancerpreneur| Social Media Strategist| Business Coach| 
Speaker| TV Personality
Kiner Enterprises

Your Weekly Social Media Marketing 
& Online Branding Tip

Should You Send Your Twitter Updates To Facebook?

The answer to this question is: NO

Don't send your Tweets to Facebook. It simply doesn't translate well. Between hashtags, re-tweets, and replies, your Twitter update may not make any sense or have any relevance to someone who reads it on Facebook. This is a no-no. Also, don't have too many auto-feeds going on in your account. I've recently been seeing a lot of Tweets related to who's followed you or unfollowed you that week. This just looks very spammy, so stay away from it. It's especially bad if you're not updating your account with your own tweets on a regular basis.

DO send your Facebook page updates to Twitter. That works very well. Not the other way around.

To send your Facebook page (not your personal profile) updates to Twitter follow the directions below:

- Go to your Facebook fan page.

- Click on "Edit Page"

- Click on "Resources"

- Under the "Connect with People" option, click on "Link Facebook To Twitter".

- Click on the "Link to Twitter" option next to your Facebook page's profile photo.

- You're Done! Now, all of your Facebook fan page updates will automatically be sent to Twitter. You've just killed two birds with one stone. Congrats!!

PLUS, a bonus for you!!

 Here are 5 ways to know that your marketing and branding strategies are working:  

1) You attract the exact types of clients and customers that you were targeting. 

2) Your clients and customers respect and value your products and services. 

3) Your clients and customers come to you specifically because they want what YOU have to offer, and you don't have to "sell " them on it. They're already  convinced that you are worth their time and money, BEFORE they even contact you, and they are excited to pay you for your products and services. 

4) They tell their friends and family about you, become repeat customers, and refer new clients to you. 

5) You are experiencing financial growth as a result of points 1-4. THAT'S how you know your marketing and branding efforts are truly successful.

Are you on Twitter? Follow us @kinerenterprise, and join our weekly #LetsTalkDance tweetchat every Monday night, 10-11 pm EST, and connect with dancers from all over the world, as we discuss different topics of interest to dance artists. Learn more HERE!

Recommended Reading...

"The Dancer's Bible" This e-book is completely free, and all you have to do to read it is click HERE.

Success Story
Christina Ratatori photo

"I am an Adjunct Professor, Dance Educator, Small Business Owner of Ta.Da (teaching. arts. dance. academics.) LLC, and the Founding Director of A.R.T. (artists. rallying. together.) I was also recently hired as the Education Manager for an arts center.

Finance Your Dance stuck out to me, because it connected directly to dance. Ashani's positive energy online attracted me to find out more.  Her genuine and sincere personality gave me the confidence to sign up. 

Since starting the Finance Your Dance online course, my daily life is different. I start my days with affirmations and reading inspirations to begin on a positive note.  The help and advice regarding social media for both my business and arts education group has been life changing!

Thanks to how Ashani lifts me up and sends encouragement, while demonstrating the do's of social media, I've been inspired to begin my own weekly tweet chat. I am able to bring classroom teachers, teaching artists, parents, and administrators together thanks to Twitter.

Reaching out to other passionate individuals from all over the nation eliminates that feeling of flying solo. Instead, brainstorming takes place, ideas are shared and the community is beyond helpful. More collaboration and connection is a beautiful thing.  

Since Finance Your Dance, I am always reminded that the journey can be tough... really difficult at times... but to keep going no matter what. Thank you Ashani!"

Christina Ratatori

Join the  #rally4art Tweetchat every Tues. from 8-9pm CST. 
Have you gotten your copy of our 
"Finance Your Dance: 
How To Turn Your Passion Into Profit" e-book yet? 
What are you waiting for? Get your copy today!
Finance Your Dance e-book cover

"Finance Your Dance: How To Turn Your Passion Into Profit"  is the quintessential handbook for every dancer, artist, entrepreneur, or organization to learn how to build a brand that is powerful and profitable. In this 90-page e-book, Ashani Mfuko teaches you, in a no-nonsense way, how to establish your unique presence in the marketplace, how to build a tribe of loyal fans and followers , and how to turn your passion and purpose into revenue for your brand. Whether you're an independent dancer/choreographer, or an established organization or company, you will take away a valuable plan of action to move your brand to the next level. Additionally, there is so much motivation and inspiration in this book, that while reading it, you'll become empowered to face your fears and challenges head on, and take action. The Finance Your Dance  book changes the way you think about life and business as a dance artist. It opens your eyes to potentially lethal thinking habits that will prevent you from living your dream, and teaches you how to avoid the typical life as a "starving artist". It shows you that positive change, financial stability, and prosperity is absolutely possible for you, your brand, and the arts community as a whole. 


Here's what people are saying about the book:

"Hello Ashani,

I truly wanted to thank you for writing your e-book, Finance Your Dance. I just finished it and it was amazing. I think I cried through most of it thinking of how dance has been my dream since I was 6 years old. So many things you spoke of in your book have been my story. I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am convinced that God allowed me to come across your website, resources and book to inspire me to hold on and keep pressing until I see my dance dreams fulfilled. Again, I thank you for your transparency and dedication. I thank God for you! I hope He will continue to bless you with success and wealth."

~ Krystle D.



I finished your e-book... 'thank you' is truly not enough.  My mind is spinning with ideas.

I have JUST reached out to an arts educator in California for a future blog!  You have already rubbed off on me... lol!

I was thrilled to have non-profit sections in your book.  That is advice I can also use, in addition to the information for my business.


Thank you so much..."

~ Christina R.


Are You Hungry For Knowledge? 
Do You Want More Out Of Your Dance Career?
Sign Up For The "Finance Your Dance" Online Course Today! 

As a recognized and successful leader in the dance field, I take my work and my passion very seriously. Because I'm so passionate about empowering dancers, choreographers, dance teachers, and dancerpreneurs to grow powerful and profitable brands, I am relentless. I will not stop until I have changed the face and future of the dance industry as we know it. I am creating a movement. It's a movement that will catapult dance artists into the realm of unlimited possibilities, financial stability and prosperity, and personal growth and development, in a way that you have never seen before.


I am constantly reading, researching, learning, and growing in the areas of social media marketing, online branding, and personal development, because I am passionate about these topics, and excited about how they can change your life, your career, and your business, in the same way that they've changed mine.


I believe in giving back. I believe in paying it forward. I believe that when you learn, you should teach, and that's what I'm doing for you today.


I've created this online workshop series to empower you with new skills, knowledge, information, and motivation to help you create the life that you've always dreamed of. I'll speak with you one-on-one to give you that personal coaching and feedback that you need, in order to get out of your own head, and start making great things happen for you.


I know that you've already experienced much success in your life. But you're here reading this because you know that you're capable of even more. Today's technology and social media has created a tremendous opportunity for you to reach people all over the world. How incredible is that!!


Join me in the Finance Your Dance movement, and your life will be changed. Then, one-by-one, we will see a brand new standard, and a promising future begin to evolve for our art form. Are you in?

Who Is Ashani Mfuko?

Ashani Mfuko is a Professional Dancer, Dance Instructor, Entrepreneur, Social Media Marketing Strategist, Business Coach, Writer, and Speaker. She is the Founder of Kiner Enterprises, a dance marketing, branding, and media company, and the Host and Executive Producer of the " Inside New York City Dance" television show on MNN.

She is a passionate Marketing Manager accomplished in all aspects of online marketing and branding, including social media marketing, copywriting and editing, email marketing, video marketing, strategic marketing campaign planning, implementation, integration, and analytics. She's also an award-winning blogger, self-published author, and internationally-recognized media personality.


Ashani received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Dance and in Hispanic Studies, from Connecticut College, and is proficient in Spanish. She's also the author and creator of the, " Finance Your Dance: How To Turn Your Passion Into Profite-book and  workshop. Ashani has made appearances on Good Morning America, The Tyra Banks Show, The Nate Berkus Show, Showtime at the Apollo, NY1 News, The Bill Cunningham Show, in films, music videos, and live performances at venues including; Lincoln Center, Madison Square Garden, The Ailey Citigroup Theater, and The Joyce - Soho.

Ashani is currently on staff at The Joffrey Ballet School in New York City, and has taught at The Ailey Extension, Steps on Broadway, Ballet Hispanico, and many other prominent dance schools. Her dance blog has won the "Top Dance Business Blog" of the year award, two years in a row (2010, and 2011). She was recently featured in Dance Mogul magazine, and Inside Woman magazine. Her dance articles and tips have been featured on,, the blog, the blog, the Grosh Backdrops and Backdrops Beautiful blogs, as well as Red Rover She is a leader in the field of social media marketing, branding, and media, and is very well-known and respected as an innovator, and key player in the New York City dance community.

We Empower Dance Artists To Create A Better Life & Grow A Profitable Dance Brand Through Social Media Marketing, Online Branding, & Personal Development. Visit to learn more!