Experience More Peace & Productivity In A Few Easy Steps

Published: Fri, 04/19/13


Wow, what a week this has been! Going back to last Friday when our website was hacked (among thousands of other Wordpress websites), to another week filled with new revelations, new ideas, and inspiration to become more of who God has created me to be, it's been an exciting time!

I've been going through a LOT of changes lately (all good of course), many related to that BIG NEWS that I will be sharing with you in May, as well as just getting more clarity in my personal and professional life. So I'd like to take a moment today, to share with you some of the changes and adjustments that I've made in my life, that are working out well for me so far. Hopefully, as you read about what's been working for me, you will be inspired to make some positive changes in your life as well.

It's all about time management, and peace. If something (or someone) creates stress or anxiety in your life, it needs to go. Period!

Your inner peace, your joy, your productivity, and your success, are all tied to how well you manage and invest your time. Remember, time is not like money. Once it's gone, it's gone, and you can't get it back. So it behooves you to be very deliberate and intentional about where and how you invest your time. 

Some of the things that I've done recently to become more productive, more successful, and have more peace are:

- I cut back on how much tv I watch. If I watch one full hour of television a day, that's actually a lot for me. We don't even have cable, I cancelled it back in December '12 (but we do have Hulu and Netflix).

- I'm now investing more of my time and focus into "quiet time". It's basically a way of silencing a lot of the noise and distractions we deal with every day (i.e. phone, tv, music, social media, e-mails, etc.), and creating a space where I can truly hear from God, process my thoughts, and get clarity on every thing that I choose to do, or not to do each day.

- I am systematizing and delegating more of my day-to-day correspondences that tend to eat up too much of my time. When you have a system for how to handle things, how to sift through and process information, and keep things organized, it makes you so much more productive and calm.

- I am regulating my e-mails more aggressively. I've had a love-hate relationship with e-mail for YEARS!! lol It's just one of those things that can really eat up a lot of your time, and yield no significant results, if you let it. So, what I basically do now is set aside a time, once (MAYBE twice a week) to reply to all of my non-urgent e-mails at one time. That day is today by the way, in case you're waiting to hear back from me. :) Anything that's urgent (for me), I respond to immediately. But I got out of the habit, a long time ago, of being a prisoner to e-mail. It's just not worth it. I actually prefer to communicate with people via social media, where we can share quick and concise messages. It's much more efficient, in my opinion.

- I am being more selective about the types of meetings and events that I attend. Being in New York City, hosting and producing a tv show, and being active in the dance community can be a blessing, and a curse. I had to realize that I'm only one person, and cannot be everywhere, and do everything for everybody, unless I want to run myself into the ground! Luckily, I don't really have a problem telling people 'no', especially when I know it's what's best for me.

- I read a LOT, and observe a LOT! I learn from others who are experts in the fields of marketing, social media, online branding, business, and technology, to stay current on what's happening in the world, and learn about new techniques, and what works best.

- I am expanding my knowledge base and challenging myself in the area of video production. I am actually the new video editor for our dance tv show, "Inside New York City Dance ", and I'm learning a LOT about how to use Final Cut Pro X, and how to chromakey (use a green screen to create various types of background images within a video). One of my major goals for this year was to begin using online videos, in a BIG way, to connect more with you, and to integrate into our social media marketing and online branding strategy, and I'm excited to be following through with that commitment.

- Lastly, I am continuing my focus on health and wellness, inside and out. As many of you know, I'm vegan, and have been so for almost a year now. I start my day off drinking some room temperature lemon water, then possibly have some green juice, or other type of healthy, balanced breakfast. I eat clean (and treat myself from time to time as well), and I am sure to take care of my emotional, spiritual, and physical health too.

My main focus for now is redesigning our website, after it was hacked last week. I actually see it as a blessing, because I know that this time around, it will be even BETTER than before, and will be more secure from potential security risks as well. I can't wait to share it with you! We will be re-launching it within the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned!

I hope that by sharing my experiences, and what I'm doing to become more focused, more productive, and more peaceful in my life, that you are inspired to make some changes to improve your life as well.

Have a blessed weekend!

P.S. While our website is under construction, feel free to connect with me on social media, or on my personal website here.

A big welcome to all of our new e-mail subscribers! 

Our mission is to improve the quality of life for dance artists, entrepreneurs, and passionate people all over the world! We want to help you create the professional success and personal happiness that you've always dreamed of, by turning your passion and purpose into a profitable, and fulfilling lifestyle. 

I'm happy and honored to serve you, and be connected with you!

Dancing Through Life,

Ashani Mfuko
Dancerpreneur| Social Media Strategist| 
Motivational Speaker & Biz Coach| Media Mogul
Founder of Kiner Enterprises

Your Weekly Social Media Marketing 
& Online Branding Tip

Facebook Branding 101 For Dance Artists - 
Your Checklist

The power of Facebook lies in the power of likes, shares, and comments. You want every update that you make on Facebook to inspire your fans to click on "Like", to share, and/or comment. Why is this so powerful? Because every time a person likes, shares, or comments on your page, it shows up in their Facebook news feed for all of their friends to see. So instead of only your fans seeing your post, you can reach hundreds or thousands of other people on Facebook, through likes, shares, and comments, and also get more "likes" as a result.


Here are 5 Tips To Get You Started On The Right Foot:


Feature Article: 
"The One Commitment Every Dance Artist Should Make"

The Finance Your Dance 10 Commandments

Commandment #3:

Thou Shalt Invest In Myself & Learn New Skills



As a dancer, you are naturally very driven, hard-working, creative, and adaptable. You're accustomed to being challenged, pushing yourself, and picking up new skills very quickly. These are great qualities to have as a working professional in any industry. Don't be afraid to apply the skills that you've acquired as a dancer to other areas of your life and career as well, to help you grow and excel.


We live in a world that is constantly and rapidly changing because of innovation in technology, social media, and the internet. This presents you with many great opportunities, but new challenges as well.


Success Story
Doris Mangrum Photo

"I am sooo happy I met Ashani.  These days, it is rare to meet someone who does what they say.  Not only does she follow through, she does so with a smile and makes you feel very special in the process. When it comes to social media, I was clueless.  She helped me get set up and continued to provide support after delivery.  I highly recommend Ashani. She is definitely a jewel."

~ Doris Mangrum  

Los Angeles, California

Read more of our Success Stories HERE!

Are you on Twitter? Follow us @kinerenterprise, and join our weekly  #LetsTalkDance tweetchat every Monday night, 10-11 pm EST, and connect with dancers from all over the world, as we discuss different topics of interest to dance artists. Learn more HERE!

Who Is Ashani Mfuko?
Ashani Mfuko is a Professional Dancer/Dance Instructor, Social Media Strategist, Business Coach, Speaker, Writer, TV Host, & Executive Producer. She is the Founder of Kiner Enterprises, a dance marketing, branding, and media company, and the Host and Executive Producer of the "Inside New York City Dance" television show on MNN. Ashani is accomplished in all aspects of online marketing & branding, and is an award-winning blogger, self-published author, and internationally-recognized media personality. She is also currently on staff at The Joffrey Ballet School in New York City. Learn more about Ashani on her website.
We Empower Dance Artists To Create A Better Life & Grow A Profitable Dance Brand Through Social Media Marketing, Online Branding, & Personal Development. Visit http://kinerenterprises.com to learn more!