I Have A Confession To Make

Published: Fri, 07/11/14

Hi ,

I have a confession to make...

haven't spent more than maybe 20 mins. away from my daughter, since she was born. To put that in perspective for you, she will be 8 months old on the 17th of this month. So yeah, that may sound a little crazy, and maybe it is. However, I didn't exactly plan for it to be that way.

I've been exclusively breast-feeding from day one, and my daughter has never really been a fan of the bottle. So that created a tough scenario for me because, I couldn't leave her alone with anyone for too long, because I was her only source of food for the first 6 months or so of her life.

Now that she's eating baby food, and a bit older, I'm more comfortable with the idea of leaving her with a trusted family member, well, sort of. I'm actually feeling a little anxiety about it now, because I've never left her with anyone, and I'm not sure how she will handle being away from mommy for hours at a time.

Why in the world am I telling you my personal business you ask? Lol

Because although you may not have an almost 8 month old baby at home, I'm sure that you can relate to this...


Isn't that what it all comes down to? We feel fear when we can't predict what the outcome of a situation will be, or when we don't know if something will work out. I remember feeling that same sense of fear when I found out that I was pregnant last year. There were so many questions in my mind that I did not have the answer to. But I was reminded of something really important last year, as things slowly came together, one by one...


There's a scripture in the bible that says, "He knows what we need before we ask Him" (Matthew 6:8). Isn't that awesome? Before you even ask God for something He already knows you have the need, and has already planned how He will meet it.

I am praying and staying positive about the whole transition of leaving my daughter with a trusted family member as a caretaker, so that I can have a break, for the first time in 8 months! I'm also trusting God to cause things to go smoothly this summer, as I return to teaching dance classes, with my daughter in tow (and my mommy helper there to babysit her while I teach).

This is new territory for me. But one thing that's not new to me is, God's faithfulness. He's never let me down before, and I know that He won't start now!

Face your fears my friends, for you are not alone! God is faithful, and He is with you, every step of the way: in the little things AND in the big things too!!

Check out this week's articles below, and have a blessed and joyful weekend!

Stay connected with me on Facebook and Instagram to see all of my latest photos, and for daily inspiration. :)

P.S. As you know, my hubby, daughter, and I recently went on our first family vacation in Montauk. We had a fabulous time! Check out my photo album from our trip on my Facebook page HERE!

Graciously Yours,

Ashani Mfuko

The other day, while at my nephew's birthday party, a friend of the family, who only knew me as, "
Ashani, the Dancer", asked how I got involved in social media consulting. This is a question that I get asked all the time. So I figured it was time that I shared my journey on my blog, so that everyone could read it...READ MORE

The Top 25 Mistakes That Dance Studio Owners Make On Social Media, Plus 1 Obvious, But Overlooked Marketing Tool

1. Not building your e-mail subscriber list.

2. Posting too few times per day.

3. Being Way too promotional. Your events, your classes, your teachers, your performances. Can you say, me, me, me?

4. Posting too many links.

5. Being unaware of what really resonates with your audience.

6. Not trying something new or unique.


Ashani Mfuko is a Social Media Marketing Strategist, Business Coach, Professional Dancer/Dance Teacher, and TV Host/Executive Producer. She is an award-winning blogger, author, and the Host and Executive Producer of the "Inside New York City Dance" television show on MNN.

Ashani works with dance studios, dance companies, small businesses, corporations, non-profits, entrepreneurs, & individual dance artists, as a Social Media Marketing & Online Branding Consultant.

Visit Ashani's website