Hello Motherhood, Goodbye Kiner Enterprises, & Merry Christmas To You!!

Published: Tue, 12/24/13

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!

2013 has been a pretty incredible year for me, filled with exciting new changes, and new beginnings! Our baby girl, Zuri Aminali Mfuko, was born on November 17th, at 6lbs. and 15 oz., and our lives have never been the same! I knew that I would love her and love motherhood, but I had no idea I'd love it this much!! We are truly blessed! You can read all about my crazy labor and childbirth story on my personal blog here!

As I welcome my new life as a mom, I'm saying goodbye to my "first baby", Kiner Enterprises Inc. After seven years, and many personal, professional, and future goal changes, I've decided to close that chapter, and start a fresh new one. I will now be focusing on my consulting practice (Social Media Marketing Strategist, Online Branding Specialist, Business Coach, Writer), and my independent work as a performing artist (Dancer, Teacher, TV Host/Executive Producer). Don't worry, I'll still be available to work with you one-on-one, in what ever way you need me, but Kiner Enterprises Inc. will no longer exist.

You may be surprised by my decision to say goodbye to my very first business, especially after building such a solid, successful, and well-known brand for dance teachers and dance studio owners. But, the way I see it is, if I did it once, I can do it again. In the future, I will definitely build another company that reflects my vision, goals, and purpose, for the next 20 years. However, in the meantime, I'm excited to focus on my personal brand and career, as well as my life as a new mom to baby Zuri.

The Kiner Enterprises website/blog will remain a top dance business blog and resource for you, under the new web address, http://www.letstalkdance.net. Also, my weekly #LetsTalkDance Tweetchat will be back on in January, so stay tuned for the new day and time for the Tweetchat!

Brand new episodes of my dance tv show, "Inside New York City Dance" will be airing in 2014, with 2 new episodes premiering in January!! Get ready!! 

*Please note: As a result of the new changes, I will be deleting all of the Kiner Enterprises social media accounts over the next 30 days. So be sure to connect with me, personally, on all of your favorite social media networks via the links below.

Thank you so much for your continued support in all of my work, for staying connected with me through my e-mail list, Facebook, Twitter, etc. I appreciate you very, very much!! I will be resuming my weekly e-newsletters in January, as well as updating my blogs on a regular basis, so stay tuned for that! I can't wait! :)

I wish you and your family a very Merry and Joyous Christmas, and an Abundantly Blessed New Year!!

Graciously Yours,

Ashani Mfuko
Dancerpreneur| Social Media Strategist| 
Online Branding Specialist| Biz Coach| 
TV Host & Executive Producer


Facebook: http://facebook.com/ashanimfukodance

Twitter: http://twitter.com/ashanimfuko

YouTube: http://youtube.com/ashanimfukodance

LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/AshaniMfuko

Tumblr blog: http://ashanimfuko.tumblr.com

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/ashanimfuko/