False Alarm! Let Me Explain...

Published: Mon, 12/30/13

I'm Here To Stay!
Let's Make 2014 Your Best Year Yet!!

Last week I sent out this message, and a lot of people started freaking out! lol I received lots of e-mails and questions about if I was completely quitting my career and my consulting work for the dance biz, to become a full-time mom. The answer is, NO!! Let me clarify:

I am STILL continuing to do all of the same work that I've done for years within the dance community. The only difference is that, in 2014, I will do this work as an Independent Consultant vs. working under the umbrella of my former company, Kiner Enterprises.

So don't worry. I will still be continuing to work with you, and many others in the dance biz, and help you make 2014 your best year yet!!

That being said, I want you to resolve to do five really important things in 2014:

1. Do ONE thing that really scares you and pushes you out of your comfort zone.
Do this on a monthly basis. It doesn't have to be anything huge, or anything that other people will even know about. This is for you! Be sure to do this in different areas of your life: your business, your career, your relationship, your family, your personal life, your spiritual life, etc.

2. Add MORE value to what you post on social media each day. No more just posting links and promos. Focus on how you can take what you know and improve the lives of the people who you're connected with on social media every day.

3. Work Smarter, Not Harder. Spend more time planning, strategizing, and evaluating the effectiveness of your actions. Don't be so busy doing things, that you have no time to actually think about what you're doing, why you're doing it, and how effective your actions are.

4. Hire Help Where You Need It. No man or woman is an island, and your time is precious and valuable. Don't spend your time being frustrated about things that you don't understand, or avoiding important tasks. Get someone to help you out where you're weak, so that you can do what you do best and forget the rest!

5. Don't Sweat The Small Stuff. At the end of the day, it comes down to this: There are things that you can control, and there are things that you can't control. Don't stress over things that are out of your control. Do your best in every situation, empower others to do the same, and trust that God will take care of everything else, in His divine timing.

Wishing You Abundant Blessings and Happiness in 2014!!

P.S. I have a new e-mail address. Please add it to your address book/contacts, and use it to contact me, [email protected].

How Can I Get More Facebook Fans?

Is A Contest or Giveaway The Answer?

Have you ever wondered how you can get more Facebook fans on your page?

This is a question that I hear all the time from my clients, whether they own a dance studio, have a dance company, a non-profit, or another type of small business.The truth is, having thousands of fans on your Facebook fan page does not automatically translate into more money, more clients, more people at your events, or more students at your dance studio. It also doesn't guarantee that you'll have a Facebook page where your fans are engaging and interacting with you online every day.

Your goal should be to focus on quality vs. quantity.

All Facebook fans are not created equal....Continue reading

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Inspiration For Today:

"Sometimes when things seem to be going wrong, they are going right for reasons you are yet to understand." ~ Alan Cohen