Are you prepared if this happens?

Published: Fri, 10/06/17

Hi ,

Doing what you love is great, but what happens when what you love to do leads you into an unstable and financially inconsistent career? What do you do when you know that your well being is completely dependent upon you physically showing up somewhere, to use your body, in a physical way, trading dollars for hours, and without it, your livelihood is in jeopardy?

What if you get injured? Then what?

What if a natural disaster destroys the place where you were supposed to be working for the next 9 months?

What if that tour, or those performances get cancelled?

What if you get sick, or have a baby? Then what?

When I first started my dance career, there was one thing that I knew, and I knew that I was not willing to compromise on it, EVER! What was it?

I knew that I would never willingly accept the “starving artist” mentality or lifestyle!

I had goals, ya know?

I like nice things. I like to eat good food (hello, I’m vegan). I like to travel, and I knew that I wanted to become a homeowner at some point (yay for reaching that goal in March of 2016!), not to mention my student loan debt (Arrgghh!).

I’ve been all about that multiple streams of income, and unlimited earning possibilities life, from day one!

So today, I’m sharing with you the ONE THING that I believe every dancer (and dance business owner) needs in 2017 (and beyond) to build wealth, and create a better quality of life!

If you’d like to work with me 1-on-1 to build your online brand in a profitable way, and learn how to turn your fans and followers into paying customers, join my online branding bootcamp HERE. I look forward to working with you!

Have a blessed day!

Dancing Through Life,
Ashani Mfuko
Social Media Strategist|Video Marketing Specialist|
Professional Dancer