The Excuses Stop Now

Published: Fri, 06/12/15

It's Time To Stop Making Excuses! Join My 90-Day Challenge!

Something happened this week that I wanted to share with you. What I'm about to share with you has happened to me many times before, and is the main way that I get work as a Social Media Strategist and Digital Marketing Consultant.

An Executive from a global dancewear corporation contacted me last week after reading my profile on LinkedIn. He said that, "your experience in Dance and digital technology intrigues me because only those of us in this community understand how unique it can be when it comes to outreach."

When I spoke with him over the phone this week, he told me that, based upon my experience and expertise, I seem like exactly the person that he's looking for to create their social media strategy, and help him build their new Marketing Department, from the ground up.

One of the things he said to me that really stood out was that, he was VERY impressed with my LinkedIn profile, and how thoroughly I had outlined all of my experience, skills, and all of the different elements I featured on my page (I have videos, awards, etc.). He said it really highlighted the value that I have to offer, and it reminded him that he needs to do a better job of updating and enhancing the content on his own LinkedIn profile. He also said that he reached out to some of his colleagues in the dance industry, and that I was highly spoken of, and came highly recommended by many people.

I share this with you today, to say this: Details Matter!! Your Online Brand Matters!! Your Social Media Presence Matters!! Filling out your online profiles, and adding as much detailed information as possible, and taking advantage of features like photos, videos, awards, accomplishments, testimonials, etc. MATTERS!!!

People will find you online, and make a determination about whether or not they want to hire you, sponsor you, interview you on tv, buy your book, come to your performance, or work with you on any level, just by looking at your social media profiles! I don't think this guy ever even went to my website. But he didn't have to.

But hey, what if I knew that I needed to update my social media profiles, but I just kept putting it off?

What if I knew that I needed help building my social media presence, but I just kept putting it off for another day, and making excuses?

Sometimes the best opportunities of your life will be the ones that you never even saw coming! Are you really ready for that dream job, dream client, dream business partner, dream sponsor, or dream press feature?

It’s time to recommit to your social media marketing goals, and take your online brand to the next level!

I’ve created a 90-Day Social Media Success Challenge to help you breathe new life into your online brand, and start to truly SHINE on social media, and start getting REAL RESULTS!

Remember, there’s no half-way. Either you’re all in, or you’re out. You’ll only get out of this challenge, what you put into it.

Let’s make the next 90 days, the best 90 days that your brand has ever experienced on social media!!