Did you ever take your non-birding spouse/friend on a birding trip? 😎

Published: Wed, 12/02/20

I sent this newsletter some two weeks ago with a somewhat provocative idea to take non-birders on a birding trip. Did you see it?
I am interested in your thoughts.  Please hit me back with your comments.

Even if you are a birder who usually does long and intense birding trips, perhaps you will still find the idea intriguing to share with friends. 
There is a video which explains in detail how these trips work. 
You find the the past newsletter here. 

The other part of that newsletter deals with that Peru is now open again for travel and the numbers of new cases are going down. 

I am preparing a new newsletter at this moment with some updates regarding our 25 days birding in Central Peru during the month of November.  It was absolutely marvelous with lots of good birds and COVID safe. 

Please note that you can unsubscribe from this newsletter at any time. Just follow the unsubscribe link below. 

Talk to you soon!



PS: Upcoming trips that I will tell you more about in the newsletter I am preparing... Be sure to open my next one. 
1. Xmas and New Year 10 days birding in Northern Peru
2. Tumbes and North Peru Expedition with special birds - hard core and low budget in January.
3. SALE: Central Peru - Satipo road. Every week Mon-Fri - 5 days for only $999
4. Egypt and Petra - 7 Wonders Birding in February
5. Machu Picchu and Cuzco area birding with your non-birding spouse/friend in nice lodges in late January with Amazon extension. 
6. Budget Bird Photography tour in late February