Sword-billed Hummingbird vs Marvelous Spatuletail?

Published: Tue, 08/18/20

This is a very short note!
You possibly did not see or did not have time to read my rather long and diverse newsletter I sent out last Friday. If you followed my newsletters in the past, you know that it is not all about birding but also a lot of tips on various topics. I am sharing my best tips to be productive and stay healthy in this crazy present world. Check out that newsletter, when you get a chance. And if it is not you cup of tea and you just want updates on birding tours the 7 Wonders Birding Tours Newsletter contains just that. Sign up on the 7 Wonders Birding Website and unsubscribe this newsletter in the link at the bottom of this note. 

Now I just wanted to remind you that the (silly) game, I put out on the Facebook Group 363 Hummingbirds, has started and the group play is on. The two hummers that get most votes in each group will advance to the next stage and paired up in matches, much like the Football World Cup.

In the previous rounds, Sword-billed Hummingbird won among the hummers categorized as Least Concern or Vulnerable by BirdLife International, and among the Endangered and Critically Endangered Hummingbirds, Marvelous Spatuletail won. They may meet in the final. But to get there, there is a long way to go and the competition is fierce. 

Here are all the participants:

Group A. Aug 16-18. 
Purple-backed Sunbeam
Black-breasted Puffleg
Sword-billed Hummingbird
Andean Hillstar (any Oreotrochilus sp hillstar)

Group B. Aug 19-21
Venezuelan Sylph
Glittering-throated Starfrontlet
Bee Hummingbird
Peruvian Sheartail

Group C. Aug 22-24
Scissor-tailed Hummingbird
Perija Metaltail
Rainbow-bearded Thornbill

Group D. Aug 25-27
Juan Fernandez Firecrown
Esmeraldas Woodstar
Ruby Topaz Hummingbird
Velvet-purple Coronet

Group E. Aug 28-30
Blue-bearded Helmetcrest
Oaxaca (Blue-capped) Hummingbird
Rufous-crested Coquette (or Spangled)
Red-tailed Comet

Group F. Aug 31-Sep 2
Short-crested Coquette
Gray-bellied Comet
Booted Racket-tail
Any Streamertail

Group G. Sep 3-5
Royal Sunangel
Santa Marta Sabrewing
Crimson Topaz/Fiery Topaz
Any Helmetcrest

Group H. Sep 6-8
Marvelous Spatuletail
Chilean Woodstar
White-tipped/Buff-tailed Sicklebill
Horned Sungem

On Sep 9 we shall start the matches with the winner of Group A playing against second place in Group H, and so forth. There will be some tough matches, that is for sure.

Have fun playing. Soon enough we shall be able to travel to see this jewels in real life.

Saludos and STAY SAFE!


PS. Also, here is a reminder of the Bucket List poll on the Bucket List Birding FB group. Which are your 10 best birds you have seen? Which are the Top 10 birds that you want to see? Mark them on the Bucket List Birding Facebook Group.