Birding Trip report from Central Peru

Published: Fri, 01/01/21

Here is a summary of my latest blogpost(s). I have changed the format of this automated post, that is sent at the most once per week, when there is something new into my blog. Since I only update the blog on rare occasions it would be unusual that you'd get this blog summary more than once or twice per month. When it is posted it will appear on Fridays.

If you haven't noticed, I am vlogging regularly on Facebook, and reposting to Kolibri Expeditions YouTube Channel with updates from the COVID situation in Peru and how it affects the birding, as well as trip updates and novel ideas. 

This week's post is about streams of income for a bird guide during the COVID 19 pandemic. 



Birding Trip report from Central Peru - 

2020-12-30 13:26:59-05

In the midst of the COVID pandemic it was still possible to travel in Peru and feel relatively safe. Jules Eden retells his experience in this witty and funny birding trip report.