How to play guitar and sing at the same time.

Published: Thu, 04/03/14

Hi ,

now I know not everyone who learns guitar wants to sing at the same time and that's cool, but really, how awesome would it be to do both. That feeling of sharing music with friends and family. Getting people singing along with your songs is such a buzz. That feeling was one of the main reasons I started learning guitar. 

Have you ever tried to sing and play at the same time? Stop me if this sounds familiar. You start the song and everything is going well, then as soon as you start singing the guitar goes out of time and the song falls apart. 

This was happening to me for a long time before it actually clicked. The annoying thing was I could have saved hours of unnecessary trial and error if I was just shown how to practice this skill effectively.

Many of students had the same problem so I decided to take action and create a series of lessons aimed at improving synchronisation between and guitar singing. After 18 months of testing I finally found a way to get new students playing and singing without any mistakes after just 6 weeks.

You can find out more here: A unique course that's not available anywhere else 

The weird thing is that there's hardly anything else like this out there on the internet. There's tips on how to improve but no practical advice and nothing that shows you what to practice or for how long.

I think it was Gandhi that said "Be the change you wish to see in the world". I want to see more people singing and playing guitar the RIGHT way with less wasted time and unnecessary frustration.

Check out the my Sing & Strum E Course. I'm really proud of it.

Keep on playing,


P.S. Don't expect this course to be really expensive just because it's different. It's at a REALLY LOW PRICE so I can get as many people using it as possible. I want your feedback and I'm not going to get this if it's insanely overpriced. 

Here's the link again: A unique course that's not available anywhere else.