10 volunteers needed to trial a NEW guitar teaching service.

Published: Sun, 03/16/14

Hi ,

I'm putting the finishing touches to a new personal teaching service that will be available on my website very soon. I'm looking for 10 people to trial this unique service for free. Here's how it works:

  • You upload a video of yourself playing any song you like. This video will be private and not shared with anyone else. It doesn't have to be your best performance ever. Just a fair reflection of where you're at with your guitar playing. 
  • Within 3 days I'll email you a written breakdown of what's great about your playing and what areas you might want to improve. You'll also get a bespoke practice routine based on your performance. 
I can tell so much about what a student is doing right or wrong, just by watching them play. This feedback will give you a personal roadmap to getting your playing to the next level. It's an awesome value alternative to Skype lessons. 

All you need to do to take part is reply to this email with how long you've been playing for and what sort of music you like learning. I'll then be in touch to let you know what to do next.

Keep on playing,

Drue James.

PS. Don't think that all the places have already gone just because you opened this email late. I'm not expecting a huge rush. This isn't something that everyone will want to do, but it could be just right for the way that you learn guitar.

